How Eyes Wide Shut Cemented Stanley Kubrick’s Legacy as a Cinematic Provocateur


Stanley Kubrick passed away on March 7, 1999—less than a week after screening Eyes Wide Shut for studio executives. While it wasn’t the film that killed him (ultimately cause of death was attributed to a heart attack), fans were left with the feeling that the legendary director poured everything he had into his final film.

Based on the 1926 novella Traumnovelle (“Dream Story”) by Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler, Eyes Wide Shut follows Bill and Alice Harford, a married couple living in New York City. Played by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman respectively, their bond is initially tenuous at best. Alice dreams of having an affair, which encourages Bill to seek out a masked sex party. (The movie’s title, in fact, is a loose play on the party’s password.) Bill’s intentions are discovered by the rich attendees who would prefer to keep their identities a secret, and people around him begin to die because of his actions. An anti-hero’s journey with pacing even mythologist Joseph Campbell would appreciate, the husband and wife walk through (metaphorical) fire in order to earn their right to exist, or as Alice phrases it, “We’re awake now, and hopefully for a long time to come.” It’s a happy ending, but one that comes with a pronounced asterisk, as Alice questions the very notion of fidelity, even as she tells Bill they should “fuck” as soon as possible.

It wasn’t Kubrick’s first time courting controversy. From A Clockwork Orange’s shocking torture scenes, to Lolita’s underage sexuality (filmed in such a way that it flew just under the morality censors notice), and the entirety of The Shining (a film that inspired a whole documentary cataloging various conspiracy theories), bending boundaries was a signature narrative move; one that the director was both loved and criticized for in equal parts. (As evidenced by both the 2 million take at the box office and mixed reviews.)

But Eyes Wide Shut seemed specifically engineered both onscreen and off for maximum talking points, even with social media still years away. There was the 15-month long shoot (a Guinness Book World record). A set built in London to stand in for New York so Kubrick wouldn’t have to face his fear of flying. An orgy scene, blurred to earn the film an R rating. But even the overt Illuminati symbolism could not detract from the tabloid-friendly centerpiece—the film focused on a husband and wife, on the brink of collapse played by a real-life husband and wife…on the brink of collapse. (Kidman and Cruise would ultimately split two years later due to “irreconcilable differences.”) Kubrick reportedly stoked the fire among his cast, asking his stars to sleep in their characters’ bedroom, directing the actors separately, and forbidding them from sharing notes with each other.

But all these facts detract from the sheer skill it takes to convince an audience that yeah, cheating is not only OK but straight-up art in a monogamous relationship. Despite the marketing and staging, Eyes Wide Shut is not a sexual film but rather a psychological one–it now reads as an extremely dreamy deep dive into jealousy and obsession. From the nightmarish video-projection created streets of New York, to the mirror-side make out, to nearly every set decked with Christmas lights, to characters that drift in and out of the narrative, more studies in their potential to change the main characters’ lives than fleshed out personalities of their own, Kubrick asks the viewers to confront contradictions. He argues that a desire for love and anonymous sex can exist side-by-side, as can a yearning for both commitment and complete freedom. It’s a contrast Alice acknowledges early on, when asked about her desire for an anonymous encounter, she tells her husband:

“And yet at no time was he ever out of my mind. And I thought if he wanted me, even if it was only for one night, I was ready to give up everything. You, [our daughter] Helena, my whole fucking future. Everything! And yet it was weird, because at the same time, you were dearer to me than ever, and at that moment, my love for you was both tender and sad.”

Likewise, it is both tender and sad that after a career of studying the big ideas with dark overtones, Kubrick’s final film was about two people sharing a quiet optimism. A cinematic magician known for distracting viewers with visual sleight of hand and boundary-breaking plots, the director’s true talent was exposing the complex human spirit all along. It was only with Eyes Wide Shut that we saw that skill truly on display.


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