cp-title: Marshall Trammell

Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:256,”name”:”Marshall Trammell”,”type”:”Produksjon & kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”

Marshall Trammell er en eksperimentell arkivar, perkusjonist, komponist, dirigent og sosial aktivist bosatt i Oakland, California, ogsu00e5 kjent for sin politiske og kunstneriske plattform for utdanning; Music Research Strategies. Hans estetikk og aktivisme er sentrert rundt tiltak for sosial endring. Marshall u00f8nsker u00e5 produsere nye lokale og globale systemer for reell samfunnsendring, samt verktu00f8y for u00e5 kunne forestille seg en post-kapitalistisk verden. Han bruker ogsu00e5 politisk-estetisk teori, innsamling av data, kartlegging og kollektiv musikk- og kunstskaping for u00e5 ta tilbake skaperviljen i samfunnet, og bort fra de tradisjonelle kulturinstitusjonene. Fremfu00f8relsene hans pu00e5 trommesettet er ofte en musikalsk tolkning av menneskers refleksjon rundt eget liv, eller samfunnet de lever i. Marshall er Borealis sin gjestekunstner i perioden 2020u20132022, og gjennomfu00f8rer ogsu00e5 et gjestekunstneropphold ved Contemporary Jewish Musuem i San Fransisco. Gjennom en omfattende karriere har Marshall samarbeidet med en rekke musikere, blant annet Raven Chacon, Ingebrigt Hu00e5ker Flaten, Dohee Lee, Lisa Harris og David Murray. Den nyeste utgivelsen hans er White People Killed Them u2013 et samarbeid mellom ham selv, Raven Chacon og gitaristen i Deerhof, John Dietrich u2013 som kom ut pu00e5 SIGE Records i juni 2021.


Marshall Trammell is an experimental archivist, percussionist, conductor, and composer living in Oakland, Calfornia, also knows for his Music Research Strategies u2013 a performing-political education for embodied social justice vernacular, organizational strategy, and alternative infrastructure development. His aesthetics and activism are centered in social change interventions and generate new local and global ecologies that embrace improvisation as a collective, movement-building tool in the creation of post-capitalist imaginaries. Marshallu2019s work also uses political aesthetic theory, data creation, mapping, and collective music-and-art making in order to step out of the domain of traditional cultural institutions, relocating the act of co-production back in the community. Marshall is Borealis’ Artist in Residence 2020u20132022 and at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Fransisco. Through an extensive career Marshall has collaborated with a numerous amount of musicians including Raven Chacon, Ingebrigt Hu00e5ker Flaten, Dohee Lee, Lisa Harris and David Murray. His latest release is White People Killed Them u2013 a collaboration between himself, Raven Chacon and Deerhof guitarist, John Dietrich released on SIGE Records June 2021.

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The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy
Borealis Samtale: Marshall Trammel om The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy


The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy
Borealis Samtale: Marshall Trammel on The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy

“},{“id”:125,”value”:”1″},{“id”:126,”value”:”1″}],”events”:[{“id”:13805,”name”:”The Moon Is Down”},{“id”:24926,”name”:”Borealis satelite at Munch museum”}],”urlparam”:””}