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cp-title: Maja Nilsen
Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:275,”name”:”Maja Nilsen”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Maja Nilsen bor og arbeider i Oslo som billedkunstner, scenograf og kostymedesigner. Hun arbeider hovedsakelig med collage, cut-outs, skulptur og stedsspesifikke prosjekter. I sitt arbeid er Maja interessert i hvordan folk har levd sine liv og hvordan vi i lu00f8pet av historien har pru00f8vd u00e5 forstu00e5 verden rundt oss. Hvordan vi su00f8ker forklaringer pu00e5 komplekse spu00f8rsmu00e5l og fenomener gjennom blant annet vitenskap, mytologi, religion og folketro. Hennes kunstprosjekter befinner seg ofte i grenselandet mellom fiksjon og fakta, og hvor korrespondansen mellom mikro og makro utgju00f8r et viktig element u2013 hvor de store og smu00e5 fortellingene mu00f8tes i spennet mellom selvbiografiske referansepunkter og poetisk dru00f8mmeverdener.
De ti siste u00e5rene har hun etablert seg innenfor scenekunstfeltet hvor hun hovedsakelig har jobbet med teater ved blant annet Tru00f8ndelag Teater, Nationaltheatret, Det Norske Teatre og Schauspielhaus Wien. Hun har ogsu00e5 ferdigstilt flere utsmykninger, blitt innkju00f8pt av offentlige instanser og deltatt pu00e5 utstillinger i inn- og utland.
Maja Nilsen lives and works in Oslo, Norway and is a visual artist, set designer and costume designer. She works mainly with collage, cut-outs, sculpture and site-specific projects, and has completed several decorations, been purchased by public institutions, and participated in exhibitions in Norway and abroad. In her work, Maja is interested in how people have lived their lives and how we throughout history have tried to understand the world around us. How we seek explanations for complex questions and phenomena through science, mythology, religion and folk beliefs. Her art projects often live on the border between fiction and fact, where the correspondence between micro and macro is an important element, and where the large and small narratives meet in the span between autobiographical reference points and poetic dream worlds.
During the last ten years Maja has established herself in the field of performing arts, where she has mainly worked with theater in institutions such as Tru00f8ndelag Theater, The National Theater, the Norwegian Theater and the Schauspielhaus Vienna.
instagram ID: kapteinilsen