cp-title: Danishta Rivero

Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:328,”name”:”Danishta Rivero”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”

Danishta Rivero bor i Oakland, USA og er vokalist, musiker og lydkunstner. I sine opptredener bruker hun elektronikk, cello og Hydrophonium u2013 et vannbasert elektroakustisk perkusjonsinstrument som hun har skapt selv. Stemmen hennes har nu00e5dd alle verdens hju00f8rner gjennom den unike og sterke tilstedevu00e6relsen hun bringer i sine solo-opptredener. Hun opptrer ogsu00e5 i den elektroakustiske duoen Voicehandler og i sin feministiske stu00f8y-reggaeton-duo Las Sucias.


Danishta Rivero is a vocalist, musician and sound artist based in Oakland. She performs on electronics, the cello and the Hydrophonium u2013 a water-based electro-acoustic percussion instrument that she has constructed herself. Her voice has reached all corners of the world, through solo performances with a unique and deep presence. She also performs as the electro-acoustic duo Voicehandler and her feminist noise reggaeton duo Las Sucias.


Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013 Resonant Silence


Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013 Resonant Silence

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