Your Weekly Horoscope for November 19th



Singles are aware that they’re more alluring and mesmerizing than ever. They’re feeling a boost in self-confidence, but sometimes they can go overboard. For those already in relationships, your darling has organized a few special surprises that will soften your attitude. Professionally, even though your colleagues might criticize you from time to time, you have to take their feedback as constructively as possible.


You love the freedom and excitement in your life, and your loved ones go to you for advice and comfort. As for couples, your relationship might not be as enthralling as it was in the beginning because you have to put in effort to have new experiences with your partner. Career-wise, you need some allies at work to back you up whenever you run into a problem.


Singles have had a positive week due to the influence of Venus in Libra. They almost feel like they’re on vacation because they feel as light as air. For those already with partners, the atmosphere is more pleasant between you two because you’re able to talk about anything. Professionally, you’ve had some trouble prioritizing at work.


You want to completely lose yourself in a new love affair, but at the same time, you feel terribly afraid of getting hurt again. For those already in relationships, you will have to combine your logic with your emotions in order to find a solution to your issues. Career-wise, you’ll soon be prompted by your boss to review your work and start from scratch, so best of luck.


Singles want to love fully, even though they’re more prone to stick with reality. Deep down, they want to know if a relationship has long-term potential or not. As for couples, everything is going swimmingly between you two, and even your families have begun to bond. Professionally, you’re paying close attention to your work, but a few extra hours at the office will do wonders for your performance.


You expect too much from others and want constant support, even when people aren’t willing to give it to you. Hopefully you’ll find your perfect match and soulmate in the near future. As for those already with partners, the beautiful words between you two cement a future together. With the Sun in Scorpio, you’ll see a boost in your finances this week and a few new projects coming up that will fare well for your career.


Singles have to be patient, because the power of Venus is delayed and this planet is essential for you to enjoy positive vibes with new partners. As for those already in relationships, stop your jealousy and possessiveness from creating tension in your bond together. Professionally, you’ll experience a lag in productivity this week, and if you’re not serious about your job, you might fall behind.


You know how to be gentle and sweet at the beginning of any relationship, but also can’t hide your temper from new suitors for long. As for couples, this week is very important for the future of your relationship, so try to be as attentive as possible. You’ll also have a favor to ask from your boss this week that will be granted fairly easily. Mix tact with the strength of persuasion and you’ll get whatever you want.


Singles will have a nice surprise awaiting them this weekend, whether it’s an unexpected visit from a friend or an exciting social outing. As for those already with partners, being in the bedroom with your lover couldn’t be better, but you have to realize that there’s more to a relationship and a strong union than just the physical aspect. Professionally, your finances have been a little tight as of late, so ask for a raise soon.


You need to stop fantasizing about just anyone because you’re allowing yourself to fall in love before you know if you have a real future with someone or not. For those already in relationships, don’t hide your doubts from your partner, let alone your flaws. If you want the bond to truly blossom, you have to be as honest as possible. You’ll also have to play the role of diplomat this week in order to resolve a conflict.


Singles are playing hard-to-get out of fearing of losing the person they truly want. This isn’t the right way to foster a new relationship! For couples, even though you believe that everything you say is common sense, your partner might disagree with your point of view. Take his or her feelings into account before speaking too soon. Professionally, don’t try to impose your views on others at work—especially your superiors.


You’re feeling a little reckless when it comes to romance. Even though you’re more than willing to date around and meet new people, if you don’t see a future with somebody, you don’t think he or she deserves your time. As for those already with partners, you know how to keep your lover guessing, and it’s igniting the passion in your relationship more than ever. The planets will also put your talents forward this week, resulting in you truly impressing your boss.


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