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cp-title: Martín Escalante
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{“id”:363,”name”:”Martu00edn Escalante”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Martu00edn Escalante er en fotograf, filmskaper og musiker fra Mexico. Hovedinstrumentet hans er en altsaksofonen som han modifiserer for u00e5 kunne produsere et vidt spenn av lyder, multi-fonikk og stemme-forlengelser. Martu00edn eier plateselskapet Sploosh Records, hvor han utgir solo-arbeider men ogsu00e5 samarbeidsprosjekter med andre artister fra Mexico, USA, Chile, Norge og Peru. Han har ogsu00e5 bidratt pu00e5 mange ulike plan i broren, den anerkjente filmregisssu00f8ren Amat Escalante, sine filmer. Den siste filmen han jobber med var La Regiu00f3n Salvaje der han overvu00e5ket filmens lydspor, som var komponert av Guro Moe og Lasse Marhaug, og som senere ble gitt ut pu00e5 hans eget label Sploosh Records.
Martu00edn Escalante is a photographer, filmmaker and musician who grew up in Guanajuato, Mexico. His main instrument is the alto saxophone which he has slightly modified in order to produce a wide variety of noises, multi-phonics and voice extensions. He owns the record label Sploosh Records where he releases his solo work and collaborations as well as that of other artists from Mexico, USA, Chile, Norway and Peru00fa. He has also contributed on many levels of his brother’s films who is the renowned Mexican film director and writer Amat Escalante. On the most recent film La Regiu00f3n Salvaje last film Martu00edn supervised the soundtrack, which was composed by Guro Moe and Lasse Marhaug, later released on his own label Sploosh Records.
“},{“id”:97,”value”:””},{“id”:99,”value”:”Akira Saito”},{“id”:130,”value”:””},{“id”:183,”value”:”
Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013 Resonant Silence
Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013 Resonant Silence
“},{“id”:125,”value”:”1″},{“id”:126,”value”:”1″}],”events”:[{“id”:13816,”name”:”Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013u00a0Resonant Silence”}],”urlparam”:””}