cp-title: Catherine Lamb

Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:257,”name”:”Catherine Lamb”,”type”:”Produksjon & kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”

Catherine Lamb er en amerikansk komponist som utforsker samspillet mellom tonene, summering av former og skygger, fenomenologiske utvidelser, arkitekturen i mellomrommet mellom det indre og ytre, og langstrakte introduksjonspartier. Hennes musikalske liv startet tidlig, men hun bru00f8t med den klassiske utdannelsen, og forlot konservatoriet for u00e5 studere klassisk indisk musikk i Pune, i India. Catherine mottok sin bachelor i musikk med veilederne James Tenney og Michael Pisaro ved CalArts i Los Angeles. Hun startet sitt dykk ned i relasjonen mellom toner der, og har siden fortsatt med komponering, undervisning og samarbeid med en lang rekke musikere og ensembler som Ensemble neoN, London Contemporary Orchestra, Johnny Chang, Marc Sabat, Rebecca Lane og mange fler. Etter u00e5 ha fullfu00f8rt en master i musikk og lyd pu00e5 Milton Avery School of Fine Arts pu00e5 Bard College i New York, flyttet Catherine til Berlin, hvor hun har etablert seg som komponist. Hennes fu00f8rste orkestrale verk, Portions Transparent/Opaque, hadde sin premiere med BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra under Tectonics-festivalen i Glasgow i 2014. Hun har vunnet en rekke priser, inkludert Ernst von Siemens komponistpris i 2020 og Grants to Artist-prisen fra Foundation of Contemporary Arts i 2018. Hun er ogsu00e5 medgrunnlegger av det kollektivt orienterte Harmonic Space Orchestra i Berlin. Musikken og skriveriene hennes er blant annet publisert pu00e5 QO2, Hubro, Black Pollen Press, Sound American, og Sacred Realism.


Catherine Lamb is an American composer exploring the interaction of tone, summations of shapes and shadows, phenomenological expansions, the architecture of the liminal states in between the outside and inside, and the long introduction form. She began her musical life early, later abandoning the conservatory to study Hindustani music in Pune, India. She received her BFA under James Tenney and Michael Pisaro at CalArts in Los Angeles, where she first developed her research into the interaction of tone and continued to compose, teach, and collaborate with other musicians. After finishing her Master’s in music and sound from the Milton Avery School of Fine Arts at Bard College in New York, Catherine relocated to Berlin where she currently lives. Her first orchestral work, Portions Transparent/Opaque, was premiered by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra at the 2014 Tectonics Festival in Glasgow. She has won a series of awards, including the Ernst von Siemens Composer’s prize in 2020, and the Grants to Artists award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts in 2018. She has also co-founded the collectively oriented Harmonic Space Orchestra in Berlin. Catherine’s writings and recordings are published in QO2, Hubro Records, Black Pollen Press, Sound American, and Sacred Realism amongst others

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u00c5pningskveld Borealis 2022 
Borealis Samtale: Catherine Lamb om ‘Rational Intonation’
Mikrotonal sangworkshop med Catherine Lamb: Singing by Numbers
Catherine Lamb u2013 inter-spatia


Opening Night Borealis 2022 
Borealis Samtale: Catherine Lamb on ‘Rational Intonation’
Microtonal singing workshop with Catherine Lamb: Singing by Numbers
Catherine Lamb u2013 inter-spatia

“},{“id”:125,”value”:”1″},{“id”:126,”value”:”1″}],”events”:[{“id”:19026,”name”:”Catherine Lamb u2013u00a0inter-spatia”},{“id”:13807,”name”:”Samtale: Catherine Lamb”},{“id”:23027,”name”:”Workshop Catherine Lamb”}],”urlparam”:””}