“This week will be colored by love. This is great news whatever your relationship status, so long as you’re happy to let fate be your guide. At work, remember that a little patience goes a long way to getting the job done correctly.”
“If you’re single, work on fixing any outstanding relationship problems with your family and friends before going in search of a partner. Couples: Be sure to weigh up all the pros and cons before making a big financial commitment together. Professionally speaking, you’re entering a period of intense interest and creativity.”
“Gemini can look forward to enjoying a carefree and easy time this week. Pleasure is the aim of your game, and that’s all well and good so long as it doesn’t come at the expense of anyone else. At work, team work makes the dream work, so rally together with your colleagues.”
“Your heart will be out of sorts this week. If you’re single, a new date will let you down. If you’re in a relationship, your partner will say something which greatly upsets you. On the flip side, your career will be fruitful this week and you’ll finally feel like all of your hard work and effort is starting to pay off.”
“Leo is looking for an adventure this week and, luckily, the planets are aligned to bring you one. While this is exciting, be sure to tread carefully as you embark into the unknown. All good things are not always what they seem, so do your best not to throw all caution to the wind.”
“If you’re hoping to experience long-lasting love but are unwilling to take any chances, you’ll find yourself at a crossroads this week. The wrong turn could lead you to hurt, but no move at all will lead you lonelier than before. The best option is to weigh your chances, listen to your heart, and take a great leap of faith.”
“Summer marks an independent period for Libra. If you’re single, you’ll feel satisfied by a physical fling in lieu of passionate romance. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll be glad of some space from your partner to experience social situations alone. At work, your legendary optimism will help you land a momentous career goal.”
“Single Scorpios would do well to accept that it’s better to be alone than with someone who doesn’t value them. Couples: You can expect your partner to call on your undivided support in a worrying family or financial matter. Professionally speaking, remember that as one door closes, another will open.”
“Your romantic mood will subject to quick and random change this week, making it hard for your lover to please you. So long as you veer away from being too destructive, this variable could actually lead to some fun games in the bedroom, so feel free to indulge yourself a little bit. Career-wise: You’ll find strength in unity with your co-workers.”
“The planets will leave you feeling not entirely in control of your emotions this week. While this is a little destabilizing, it also offers a good opportunity to take stock of what elements in your life aren’t making you happy anymore. Just as the seasons change, so too will your needs in terms of relationships, money, career, and general goals.”
“Mars is in your sign this week, helping you make a tricky emotional decision. Professionally speaking, a subtle change in your team’s dynamic will make everything suddenly come together efficiently like clockwork.”
“A potential new lover will appear in your life this week, signaling that maybe it’s time to reevaluate your current romantic situation. Mercury is in the financial aspect of your sign, bringing with it the chance to make some long-lasting changes and savvy investments.”
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createdAt:Mon, 05 Jun 2017 15:49:24 +0000
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