If you’re single, you will soon receive very surprising news that will alter your life as you know it. Don’t worry, it’s for the better, and a very pleasant week awaits. Those in relationships will find confidence in knowing that their other halves are completely on their side. It is important, though, that you do not combat your partner; diplomacy is best to achieve what you desire.
You will see a loved one in another light: either from actions that he or she has made or through gossip that you’ve been told. Try to ask yourself less questions and find the truth out for yourself. At the same time, you may look to other loved ones—family members or children—as a form of distraction. With the changing of the seasons, fall brings grayness and recluse. Accept dinner invitations, go out to drinks after work. Be social!
You will look for affection in the comfort of a former partner. Do not feel bad about it—take your chances with love. If you are already in a relationship, know that your lover has a good ear and is waiting for you to open yourself up. Tell him or her everything! Work-wise, you have proven your value. Do not fear asking for the raise that you know you deserve.
All that hard work is finally paying off and professionally your ideas are finally coming to fruition. Personally, though, you’ll need to control your sex drive: when it comes to romantic encounters it often gets the better of you. If you’re already paired up, reassure your companion with confidence, but don’t let him or her think that you are their parent.
New matches, enjoy your fluidity. Each new day, the attraction only strengthens. If you’re single, enjoy it. Have fun and be your sexiest self because you won’t be single for long. Someone seems to have his or her eye on you and it seems more than simply a glance. In the office you must work hard to keep your stellar reputation—it’s the flip side of the coin.
You’re meeting new people, but the scene seems complicated. No one seems just right. Try to establish a sense of trust first before starting anything serious. For couples, you’ve been a bit distant lately. Renew your bond to each other and restore confidence back to the relationship. At least at work there is happiness in moving on.
In a sense, you are in a waltz this week. With each step forward you take, you also take one back. Be weary of your emotions and do not let them run you mad. The same can be said for your bedside manner. Do not go head-to-head every night with those you love. Find balance in what you know is true.
You are overwhelmed by the daily, but cannot find a moment to escape. Stop, pause, and take a second to breathe. Imagine a beach in your mind as you start to enjoy the present. At the same time, you are so swept up in the future—whether it’s a real estate purchase or the idea of starting a family—that sometimes you need a reset.
Be careful or you will fall in love without even realizing it. There will be no sign or noise of alarm, but when it happens—and it will—it will win your hear entirely. For couples, you live off the strength of your partners. They give you such incredible will and that support is your everything. If you’re going through a conflict, you must express your feelings. Anything kept inside will only be to the detriment of yourself.
It might make sense to fall back this week. Watch everything unfold out before you first, and then—and only then—will you be ready to decide what is best to do next. With your romantic partner, you are both extremes: cuddly if he or she is deserving and bossy when needed. At work, you will be exasperated by colleagues who try to play games with you. Do not hesitate to defend yourself when it’s needed.
Do not ignore the fun and nice qualities that make up you as a person. They are quite enduring and you do them so well. Couples, harmony is your secret. Table your disagreements and do not let the overshadow the good times.
Looking for love may seem tiring, but it’s important that you keep up and continue making the effort. Do not give in to the demons or voices of apathy. The same can be said for those in relationships: avoid complacency. Bring the success (and work ethic) of your work life to that of your home. Happiness requires effort.
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createdAt:Mon, 18 Sep 2017 16:43:33 +0000
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