Champagne was created on August 4, 1668—or so the story goes—by a Benedictine monk named Dom Pierre Pérignon who, upon tasting his concoction, exclaimed “Come quickly, I am drinking stars!” But such a tale has never been proven, though if anything tastes like drinking stars, it certainly is Champagne.
The beloved bubbly beverage does have some roots with Pérignon, however, who was the cellar master at his monastery, Saint-Pierre d’Hautvillers, in the Champagne region of France. In 1668, he was tasked by his priory to stop their wine bottles from exploding. Because of warm spring temperatures in the Champagne region, the wine would ferment until the weather got too cold, then would start again in the spring once the heat returned. That second fermentation made the wine fizzy—long considered a flaw in wine making—and this excess of carbon dioxide caused the explosions. It wasn’t a situation the monks wanted, as sparkling wine was not the norm of the time.
But by the end of the 17th century, the fizzy wine became a stylish beverage in the French courts. Pérignon was asked to return to the cellar and bring the bubbles back. The process he employed then, méthode champenoise, is still used today. Pérignon also developed thicker glass to contain pressure and a rope enclosure to tie the cork tightly to the top of the bottle. History has also shown that a British doctor, Christopher Merret, developed a formula for the first bubbly six years before Pérignon, and it was brought to London society by the Marquis de Saint-Évremond not long after. It has been a luxury good ever since.
Champagne itself became more fashionable to drink among royal and wealthy sets, and its popularity spread. It appeared at the raucous parties of Philippe I, the Duke of Orléans, after 1715. Madame de Pompadour, Louis XV’s chief mistress, was allegedly convinced by Claude Moët—a négociant, as merchant-manufacturers of Champagne were called—that the drink should be enjoyed at all social functions. More and more Champagne houses emerged during Louis XV’s reign, like Claude Moët’s namesake Moët & Chandon in 1750. Champagne became desired in the Russian society after Napoleon’s Moscow journey in 1812. As the Industrial Revolution blossomed and traditional social strata became uncertain, négociants, the marketing geniuses they were, assured wealthy clientele that their social standing would stay in tact should there be bottles of Champagne at their disposal.
Champagne houses like Veuve Clicquot (1772) and Pommery (1858) both bloomed under the ministrations of business-minded widows. At the time, young single women could not be independent and married women were excluded from their husbands’ businesses. Veuve actually means “widow” in French, and the widows’ beverages became so beloved many other houses attempted to market Veuve Champagnes of their own. The Widow Clicquot took over Clicquot wines after the death of her husband in 1805. She streamlined Champagne production in 1816 with a process known as riddling, through which yeast is removed from the Champagne bottle and which is still used today. In doing so, she was able to make more Champagne faster and her company became international. Louise Pommery took over her deceased husband’s fledgling wine company in the late 1850s, choosing to make sparkling wine instead of still, and with a flavor profile geared more toward English tastes: that is to say, a preference for drier over sweeter. This became brut champagne, which is now a flavor standard.
At the turn of the century, Champagne retained its luxury yet was also produced en masse. As production moved into other countries, however, winemakers in the Champagne region retaliated, and by 1919 it was decided that if the product was not made in the Champagne region of France, it could not be called Champagne. France’s Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée for Champagne was established in 1936, which would uphold this law. Because, of course, prosecco and cava are lovely, but they’re just not Champagne.
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