For the past few months it has been well known that Daniel Day-Lewis’ new film, Phantom Thread, will be his last. While he has announced that he will be retiring from acting, he has not stated what creative interests he will pursue instead. If his past has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected—especially as the actor has left his craft before to follow a passion project: learning how to cobble shoes.
In the mid-1990s Day-Lewis took a five-year break from making movies. Instead, he traveled to Florence and studied under the now-deceased Italian shoemaker Stefano Bemer for 10 months to perfect his craft. “It was a period of my life that I had a right to without any intervention of that kind,” he has said of the secrecy of his shoe making years.
By 2002, Day-Lewis did return to acting with Gangs of New York, allegedly after Leonardo DiCaprio and director Martin Scorsese somehow “lured” him back to the States and convinced him to do the film (granted, who could say no to DiCaprio?)
Of course, his dedication to making shoes should come as no surprise. It’s well known that when DDL gets into something, he really gets into it—from walking around the streets of New York in 19th century clothing to prepare for The Age of Innocence to learning how to hunt and fish for his role in The Last of the Mohicans.
His preparations for Phantom Thread have been no different—Day-Lewis recently claimed to have reverse-engineered a vintage Balenciaga dress in order to better understand the process of being a designer. With his background in shoe making, and now that he’ll have more free time on his hands with the film retirement, we’d like to suggest that DDL start his own couture line.
At the very least an accessories line is in order.
Phantom Thread hits theaters December 25, 2017.
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createdAt:Tue, 19 Dec 2017 18:13:30 +0000
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