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Bella Hadid’s Facialist Kristyn Smith’s Shares her Tips for a Runway-Ready Glow
CR sat down (virtually!) with Kristyn Smith, a celebrity facialist who’s worked with Bella Hadid, Bambi Northwood-Blyth, and Jacquelyn Jablonski. Before starting her own business, she worked at a plastic surgeon’s practice as an esthetician, Cle de Peau, and SpaceNK. It’s safe to say she has serious experience. We talked about everything from how to get Bella’s glow to how to beat maskne for good.
CR Fashion Book: In a time like this, we’ve seen everything from mask inserts to silk masks to combat maskne. Do these work or is it all about the skincare regimen? What are your best skincare tips to combat maskne?
Kristyn Smith: Silk does help. I am also a huge believer in LED light. The blue light is an absolute game changer for acne, so all of my clients got the blue light during the pandemic peak and you know when they were really kind of getting their maskne. I also work with a really good line called Environ, and they have the most amazing acne kit. These ingredients are great. Look for a BHA or a salicylic acid or tea tree, which is antibacterial/anti-inflammatory, and then jojoba oil, which the skin recognizes as our own oil. So skin loves that and doesn’t overproduce oil. If you can’t get anything but a really good clay, get that clay. Consistency is going to be key during this maskne phase. Go ahead, nobody sees you – spot treat with clay under that mask.
CR: What’s your recommendation on wearing makeup under masks?
KS: I would encourage people not to wear makeup underneath them. There’s just no point. Our skin doesn’t love makeup to begin with. When you layer makeup plus this layer that doesn’t let anything out, all that makeup is sitting there and our oil is being produced, and the skin’s just like, “what’s on me?” Our faces haven’t adapted to coverings yet. We’re not used to having anything on our face so even the slightest cloth is irritating to our skin so over time what our skin does when it’s irritated is it stops working for us. And this is our skin’s way of communicating. So whether it’s drying out, or it’s over-producing oil, it’s kind of just going to try to rebalance itself. I tell all my clients at the time to mist their faces. Especially if you’re working from home, just mist your face throughout the day. If you’re running errands and you have to have your mask on, keep your mist with you and just pull that mask down and get that face hydrated.
My main takeaways would be find a good spot treatment, look for something with BHAs in it, and look for something anti-inflammatory. There are some really great clays and I like the clays because you can kind of layer them under a mask. Keep up your exfoliation regimen. With maskne that’s really important because you do need to kind of move those excess cells off, so I like an exfoliator that has a bit of like an enzyme or an acid in it. And then I like hyaluronic acid or a squalane or jojoba oil.
CR: In the winter it’s so much easier to get dry skin. Dealing with maskne on top of that, what’s the best way to avoid dry skin while also treating maskne?
KS: New York City winter air is so drying but weirdly being in an apartment all day is more drying than going outside. I love some hydrating tonic, mist, then a serum, then I actually tend to do squalane, jojoba, or any oil that works for you. It could even be marula or rosehip. And then I like moisturizer over the top of that, and then throughout the day I love like a good mist and I love a good oil. Just tiny droplets in the hand, tap them together and you just – clean hands, of course – press them into the skin throughout the day and you just reinforce that moisturizer. The skin is not to be left alone to fend for itself all day.
I’ve recently noticed more than ever the importance of hydrating masks. It’s really important to reestablish that hydration in the skin a couple times a week, at least. One of my go-to hydrating masks is a Skinceuticals B5 mask because it’s just literally pure hydration.
CR: What are some of the most common benefits of red light therapy? What are the differences between red light and blue light?
KS: Red light is restoring your skin to its original childlike state. So what red light does is it energizes your cells. And when your cells are energized, they go to work, and that’s what our cells are supposed to be doing. And as we age, every cell in our body slows down, and so it’s like we are reversing the clock a little bit. Red light therapy is great like for anti-aging but it’s also super great for like inflammation. I primarily use red light for wound healing, scarring, or inflammation. I feel like everybody should be using it, but especially anybody like over the age of 30.
Blue light is different. I do think that could be really good for inflammation. What it does is it delivers light to a follicle, aka a pore. And those pores don’t have light, so they’re dark and festering, and they have this bacteria that is able to go rampant because there isn’t any light. So that blue light is not as deep as red light, so it doesn’t work as much on like the anti-aging or reversal level, or even energizing level, but it works really well on this superficial level to get light into those follicles and eliminate that bacteria. So I think blue light is really good for anybody that’s unhappy with their oil production. Blue light can actually really help regulate those sebaceous glands, giving them what they need, so they balance out. I love it for hormonal acne. I think hormonal acne is the trickiest and the most frustrating, and so it makes me very happy that blue light works so well. It is one thing that I can kind of guarantee that’s consistent.
CR: I’ve also heard that red light therapy can help with cellulite – is this true in your experience?
KS: Oh yeah. Because the thing with red light is that it’s getting your cells to work properly. Anytime we strengthen that skin, the epidermis, and we get them more collagen and more elastin, it helps improve the appearance slightly. Cellulite is like super controversial because we don’t totally know what it is, but we think a large part of cellulite is that the skin isn’t strong enough, so that fat is popping through those collagen and elastin fibers and making it to the surface of your skin. So whenever you can strengthen your epidermis you can kind of retain that wall to hold the fat back.
CR: You’ve worked with models like Bambi Northwood-Blyth and Bella Hadid, and they seem to always have runway-ready skin. What are your best tips to get that glowing, smooth skin they have?
KS: A lot of them have really great genetics. That is the truth. They have really good skin. One of the main things that we come up against is that after a while, the skin says wait a minute, I’m done. On a photoshoot, sometimes there will be a mini facial before the makeup. And it’s crazy for your makeup. I always like to tell people to think of our bodies as a vessel, and you can pour in, pour in, pour in, but eventually it overflows. So you try to throw aggressive serums or you try to throw makeup with a lot of fragrance. The skin’s just tired.
We all have stress. And the main thing is to try to learn to control the stress, because I think the cortisol has a more profound effect on our skin than anything. There was an awesome article that came out about breathing and breath work. They found that breath work actually reduces things like rosacea and acne. So I tell all my clients to download a breathing app. Work on your breathing, work on your breath work, control your stress. Choosing to not be stressed and choosing to not let that cortisol rise is huge.
And then, really simple, but whatever is on your face, get it off. Get that makeup off when you get home. It’s so important to clean our skin because skin doesn’t love these foreign substances, and when we leave it for too long it gets overloaded and irritated. Replenish and you replenish gently. Don’t replenish aggressively. Don’t go from a red wave to doing an acidic toner or peel. And then you can go to your facials where you go a bit more treatment-oriented. Find your regimen, work with somebody to build a regimen. Your regimen should include cleansing, toning, serums, hydrator. Sunscreen is huge. And then within that you know you add your few weekly things and those alternate because skin cells are smart. So if you have been flying an insane red eye, your skin might just need hydration and LED.
The other thing I’m really big on that I have all my clients do, unless they have heavily active acne, is massage. And so if I had someone absolutely runaway ready, I would do a face massage and LED lights and lymphatic drainage at home. I like jade rollers because you can’t damage the skin with them. I’m a huge gua sha fan professionally. I do it to myself, but I do get a little worried sometimes when I observe other people because sometimes we just don’t know what parts can handle. So, I like jade rollers for lymphatic stimulation. You have to roll the collar bones to jumpstart the lymphatic process.
CR: What’s it like being Bella’s facialist? What is her skin like and how do you help treat it? It looks like she and many other celebrities aren’t dealing with maskne breakouts – why and how?!
KS: To be honest, that family in general has really good skin. I’ve also seen Yolanda, and Yolanda has beautiful skin. Gigi doesn’t really get facials because she has really beautiful skin, so it really is genetics. And I don’t just say to make it feel like “oh this is unattainable.” It’s true.
So, to a certain degree stress and masks did affect most people. But when I have a client that has really great genetics and really beautiful skin and they’re just breaking out in the specific maskne areas, I actually give them a mask I love from Environ that’s just meant for breakouts. It’s their sebu mask, and it has tea tree and salicylic in it. I’m really big at breaking down your face and doing section by section. So just apply the mask to the chin. And use blue light. Because every client suffers a breakout at some point in time.
CR: There are rumors/old wives’ tales that you can use cortisone cream and toothpaste to spot treat acne. Of course this isn’t ideal as there are adverse affects with skin overly drying. What do you recommend instead?
KS: If my clients have the one-off cystic that pops up, I actually like the blue light. I also like the little high frequency wands. A high frequency wand can just zap that cyst right away, and so can blue light. After that, I’m not against the acne stickers. I like them because the tendency to pick is there but if you put a sticker on it, it’s like a “leave me alone, don’t touch me.” Environ has a spot treatment that is my absolute go-to because it eliminates a blemish in about two days and brightens it. Dermalogica also has a pretty good spot treatment. Sometimes, we will do something simple like a clay if it’s not a really bad one and if we just want to do a gentle take down of the inflammation. Clay has like antimicrobial properties.
CR: Is there a number one mistake you see clients doing with their skincare routine?
KS: The pro and con to our access to so much is a tendency to over-treat the skin. In the past two weeks, I’ve had this funny situation where two of my clients have done product assessments where they show me all the products they have. And I was like, “Okay, I see what’s going on so you see all those serums in Category A? Well those are actually all the same. They’re all vitamin A-based serums.” So if you’re layering all that vitamin A on the skin, you’re really overdosing or you’re negating the active. And then it was like the same thing with Vitamin C.
I went to a client’s house the other day and she was going to Mexico for work. There’s this product that I love and I got her using called Zyderma. It has microbial silver, and it creates an antibacterial protective layer. I love it during COVID for 24 hours of antibacterial. So I asked her what sunscreen she’s taking. And she kind of muttered Zyderma but I didn’t totally hear what she was saying. And she thought Zyderma was the highest sunscreen you can use. No, Zyderma is really antimicrobial. I think sometimes it’s just not using the right product right and not knowing what the right product for you is.
I think the biggest problem right now is just too much in almost everybody’s regimen. Too much of the wrong thing. And I think Instagram makes it really hard. Every day I’m in my DMs [and clients ask me] if they should get something because it just popped up on their feed.
CR: What do you wish everyone knew about taking care of their skin?
KS: The reoccurring theme is that your skin is an organ. We try to manipulate the heart and we do cardio and have our omegas. And it’s the same with the skin; so rather than asking why skin is breaking out, ask what’s going on with this organ that needs attention. Sometimes we can go into shopping mode and forget to question what’s going to be the best for this organ. And I think it needs to be less of taking away from it, and more of balancing and restoring it.
CR: If you could only have one skincare product on your shelf, what would it be?
KS: I generally tell people that if I had to be dropped out of a plane on an island, I’d probably take LED light with me. If I can get my skin back to like childlike skin and like have it working, that’s the goal. The goal is always to have your skin be self-sufficient. So whatever I can do to make that happen I would. Aside from LED light, it would have to be a squalane or just something very healing and hydrating and soothing. It’ll do more for you than anything aggressive or crazy. Because anything that’s aggressive you’ll have to replenish. If you’re on an island and you can’t replenish, you need that one thing that’ll protect and hydrate.
CR: What was it like to go out on your own as an esthetician/facialist? How were you able to succeed as a female business owner?
KS: I went to Paul Mitchell Academy and right out of school I was recruited by this premier esthetician, the pioneer of plastic surgery aesthetics. I spent years in Beverly Hills working for Cle de Peau with an amazing client roster. And same with plastic surgery but it wasn’t me. It was my post’s clients or it was my plastic surgeon’s clients. I was always doing something under somebody else. I decided to step out on my own. I was a colleague. I was no longer an employee, and it was really intimidating.
I have been told once by a doctor that I made a mistake because I didn’t become a nurse and I would just never amount to anything as an esthetician. It was challenging for sure. And so yeah so I went out on my own and it was this really intimidating step. But it worked. For me, as a business owner and as an aesthetician, I’m very invested. I think of it like we’re therapists, but we’re here for your skin and we journey together. I think through that journey, it’s authentic and you build relationships. So when I got into this, I wanted to see how I can help my clients be their best self, authentically without being opportunistic. I wasn’t super strategic about it. It just worked.
When I decided to step out and start my own business, and I started with a boutique spa. And then after that, I just couldn’t handle the boutique side. It was too busy, so I moved from that to a private practice that’s much quieter. I partner with a lot of people and collaborate with a lot of people. I really think it takes a village. It’s been an uphill journey as a female business owner, but I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve obviously had a lot of obstacles, but I kind of forget about those. I do tend to kind of collaborate and celebrate with women just because I feel like we are still forging ahead together.
Questions and answers have been edited for length and clarity.
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