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cp-title: Martin Taxt
Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:335,”name”:”Martin Taxt”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Tubaist og komponist Martin Taxt fra Trondheim har sin utdanning fra Norges Musikkhu00f8gskole og CNSMDP i Paris. Hans solo debut First Room kom ut pu00e5 Sofa Music i 2020. Han er for tiden aktiv i ensemblene Microtub og Muddersten samt i det prisvinnende kunstkollektivet Verdensteatret. Siden 2010 har han ogsu00e5 drevet det norske plateselskapet Sofa Music.
Tuba player and composer Martin Taxt from Trondheim has his education from the Norwegian Academy of Music and CNSMDP in Paris. His solo debut First Room was released on Sofa Music in 2020. He is currently active in the ensembles Microtub and Muddersten as well as in the award-winning art collective Verdensteatret. Since 2010, he has also run the Norwegian record company Sofa Music.
“},{“id”:97,”value”:””},{“id”:99,”value”:”Leikny Havik Skju00e6rseth”},{“id”:130,”value”:””},{“id”:183,”value”:”
Espen Sommer Eide u2013 The Waves
Espen Sommer Eide u2013 The Waves