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cp-title: Carol Stampone
Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:540,”name”:”Carol Stampone”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Carol Stampone er fra delstaten Minas Gerais i Brasil, og forfatter, utu00f8ver og filosof u2013 og vel su00e5 viktig er hun mor, utlending og en farget kvinne. Kjernen i hennes praksis er en rutine bestu00e5ende av dans og skriving, som blant annet resulterer i det hun kaller for ‘nesten-dikt‘. Hennes nyeste filosofiske forskning fokuserer pu00e5 flyktningers tilstander og feminismen i sydlige land. Hun er ogsu00e5 i prosessen med u00e5 skrive en bok satt sammen av essay omhandlende morsrollen, og er deltagende i andre skrivesamarbeid. Carol har bachelor i filosofi fra UNICAMP i Brasil, master i filosofi fra Universitetet i Bergen, og teaterbakgrunn fra TEUC i Coimbra i Portugal.
Carol Stampone from the inland state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is a writer, performer and philosopher, but equally a mother, foreigner and a woman of colour. At the core of her current practice is the routine of dancing and writing, which gives birth to her almost poems. Her latest philosophical research is focused on refugeehood and feminism from the Global South. She is also working on a book of short stories about motherhood, and is part of a few collaborative writing projects. Carol has a Bachelor’s in Philosophy from UNICAMP in Brazil, a Master’s in Philosophy from University of Bergen, and theatre training from TEUC in Coimbra, Portugal.
“},{“id”:97,”value”:””},{“id”:99,”value”:”Andreas H. Gru00f8nner”},{“id”:130,”value”:””},{“id”:128,”value”:””},{“id”:98,”value”:”
Insta: carol_stampone
Marshall Trammell u2013 The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy
Marshall Trammell u2013 The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy