Your cart is currently empty!
generate jci-cpt
start creating pages:
create page without JSON-loopkey
no of pages to create: 34
Toolset pagetype set: tjcicpt20210214
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: tjcicpt20210214
nameofthejsonimport: fa1f1be5128855304849ecc7b1aa9d16
try to delete previous generated pages! key: fa1f1be5128855304849ecc7b1aa9d16
found 34 pages of this type: tjcicpt20210214 – try to delete these pages
delete runtime: 0
all 34 pages successfully deleted
title template from shortcode: title from JSON: {{name}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: slug-{{name}}-{{name|replace({‘/’: ‘-‘})}}
start looping:
(1) title of created page: title from JSON: Film Borealis Ung Komponist
(1) excerpt of created page:
(1) slug: slug-Film Borealis Ung Komponist-Film Borealis Ung Komponist
(1) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(1) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Film Borealis Ung Komponist<hr> performances : Agnes Hvizdalek<br> performances : Borealis Ung Komponist<br> performances : Currentes<br> performances : Mirte Bogaert<br> performances : Tord Kalvenes<br> performances : Vegar Guleng<br> <hr>
(1) featured image URL:
(1) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(1) No url_default for featured image defined
(1) no featured image defined
(1) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:00
(1) show created page 723254:
(1) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaFilm Borealis Ung Komponist
(1) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:6,”name”:”Agnes Hvizdalek”},{“id”:147,”name”:”Borealis Ung Komponist”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”},{“id”:8,”name”:”Mirte Bogaert”},{“id”:7,”name”:”Tord Kalvenes”},{“id”:9,”name”:”Vegar Guleng”}]
(1) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723254: extracustomfield1 : nameFilm Borealis Ung Komponist
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723254: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723254: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:6,”name”:”Agnes Hvizdalek”},{“id”:147,”name”:”Borealis Ung Komponist”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”},{“id”:8,”name”:”Mirte Bogaert”},{“id”:7,”name”:”Tord Kalvenes”},{“id”:9,”name”:”Vegar Guleng”}]
(2) title of created page: title from JSON: Film – BIT20 / Raven
(2) excerpt of created page:
(2) slug: slug-Film – BIT20 / Raven-Film – BIT20 – Raven
(2) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(2) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Film – BIT20 / Raven<hr> performances : BIT20 Ensemble<br> <hr>
(2) featured image URL:
(2) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(2) No url_default for featured image defined
(2) no featured image defined
(2) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:00
(2) show created page 723255:
(2) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaFilm – BIT20 / Raven
(2) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”}]
(2) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723255: extracustomfield1 : nameFilm – BIT20 / Raven
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723255: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723255: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”}]
(3) title of created page: title from JSON: Åpningskonsert: Draumkvedet
(3) excerpt of created page:
(3) slug: slug-Åpningskonsert: Draumkvedet-Åpningskonsert: Draumkvedet
(3) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(3) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Åpningskonsert: Draumkvedet<hr> performances : Agnes Ida Pettersen<br> performances : Bente Hage<br> performances : David Longa<br> performances : Nils Erik Måseidvåg<br> performances : Ruth Bakke<br> performances : SFMK – Sjøforsvarets musikkorps<br> <hr>
(3) featured image URL:
(3) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(3) No url_default for featured image defined
(3) no featured image defined
(3) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:00
(3) show created page 723256:
(3) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaÅpningskonsert: Draumkvedet
(3) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:180,”name”:”Agnes Ida Pettersen”},{“id”:187,”name”:”Bente Hage”},{“id”:185,”name”:”David Longa”},{“id”:159,”name”:”Nils\u00a0Erik\u00a0M\u00e5seidv\u00e5g”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”},{“id”:17,”name”:”SFMK – Sj\u00f8forsvarets musikkorps”}]
(3) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723256: extracustomfield1 : nameÅpningskonsert: Draumkvedet
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723256: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723256: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:180,”name”:”Agnes Ida Pettersen”},{“id”:187,”name”:”Bente Hage”},{“id”:185,”name”:”David Longa”},{“id”:159,”name”:”Nils\u00a0Erik\u00a0M\u00e5seidv\u00e5g”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”},{“id”:17,”name”:”SFMK – Sj\u00f8forsvarets musikkorps”}]
(4) title of created page: title from JSON: Sarah Hennies – Contralto
(4) excerpt of created page:
(4) slug: slug-Sarah Hennies – Contralto-Sarah Hennies – Contralto
(4) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(4) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Sarah Hennies – Contralto<hr> performances : Aksiom<br> performances : Sarah Hennies<br> <hr>
(4) featured image URL:
(4) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(4) No url_default for featured image defined
(4) no featured image defined
(4) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:00
(4) show created page 723257:
(4) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaSarah Hennies – Contralto
(4) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:148,”name”:”Aksiom”},{“id”:158,”name”:”Sarah Hennies”}]
(4) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723257: extracustomfield1 : nameSarah Hennies – Contralto
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723257: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723257: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:148,”name”:”Aksiom”},{“id”:158,”name”:”Sarah Hennies”}]
(5) title of created page: title from JSON: Samtale
(5) excerpt of created page:
(5) slug: slug-Samtale-Samtale
(5) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(5) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Samtale<hr> <hr>
(5) featured image URL:
(5) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(5) No url_default for featured image defined
(5) no featured image defined
(5) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(5) show created page 723258:
(5) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaSamtale
(5) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[]
(5) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723258: extracustomfield1 : nameSamtale
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723258: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723258: extracustomfield2 : per[]
(6) title of created page: title from JSON: Samtale
(6) excerpt of created page:
(6) slug: slug-Samtale-Samtale
(6) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(6) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Samtale<hr> <hr>
(6) featured image URL:
(6) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(6) No url_default for featured image defined
(6) no featured image defined
(6) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(6) show created page 723259:
(6) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaSamtale
(6) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[]
(6) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723259: extracustomfield1 : nameSamtale
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723259: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723259: extracustomfield2 : per[]
(7) title of created page: title from JSON: Borealis Ung Komponist – open/dress rehearsal
(7) excerpt of created page:
(7) slug: slug-Borealis Ung Komponist – open/dress rehearsal-Borealis Ung Komponist – open-dress rehearsal
(7) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(7) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Borealis Ung Komponist – open/dress rehearsal<hr> performances : Borealis Ung Komponist<br> performances : Currentes<br> <hr>
(7) featured image URL:
(7) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(7) No url_default for featured image defined
(7) no featured image defined
(7) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(7) show created page 723260:
(7) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaBorealis Ung Komponist – open/dress rehearsal
(7) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:147,”name”:”Borealis Ung Komponist”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”}]
(7) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723260: extracustomfield1 : nameBorealis Ung Komponist – open/dress rehearsal
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723260: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723260: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:147,”name”:”Borealis Ung Komponist”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”}]
(8) title of created page: title from JSON: Borealis Ung Komponist
(8) excerpt of created page:
(8) slug: slug-Borealis Ung Komponist-Borealis Ung Komponist
(8) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(8) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Borealis Ung Komponist<hr> performances : Agnes Hvizdalek<br> performances : Currentes<br> performances : Mirte Bogaert<br> performances : Tord Kalvenes<br> performances : Vegar Guleng<br> <hr>
(8) featured image URL:
(8) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(8) No url_default for featured image defined
(8) no featured image defined
(8) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(8) show created page 723261:
(8) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaBorealis Ung Komponist
(8) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:6,”name”:”Agnes Hvizdalek”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”},{“id”:8,”name”:”Mirte Bogaert”},{“id”:7,”name”:”Tord Kalvenes”},{“id”:9,”name”:”Vegar Guleng”}]
(8) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723261: extracustomfield1 : nameBorealis Ung Komponist
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723261: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723261: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:6,”name”:”Agnes Hvizdalek”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”},{“id”:8,”name”:”Mirte Bogaert”},{“id”:7,”name”:”Tord Kalvenes”},{“id”:9,”name”:”Vegar Guleng”}]
(9) title of created page: title from JSON: Borealis Ung Komponist
(9) excerpt of created page:
(9) slug: slug-Borealis Ung Komponist-Borealis Ung Komponist
(9) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(9) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Borealis Ung Komponist<hr> performances : Agnes Hvizdalek<br> performances : Borealis Ung Komponist<br> performances : Currentes<br> performances : Mirte Bogaert<br> performances : Tord Kalvenes<br> performances : Vegar Guleng<br> <hr>
(9) featured image URL:
(9) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(9) No url_default for featured image defined
(9) no featured image defined
(9) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(9) show created page 723262:
(9) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaBorealis Ung Komponist
(9) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:6,”name”:”Agnes Hvizdalek”},{“id”:147,”name”:”Borealis Ung Komponist”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”},{“id”:8,”name”:”Mirte Bogaert”},{“id”:7,”name”:”Tord Kalvenes”},{“id”:9,”name”:”Vegar Guleng”}]
(9) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723262: extracustomfield1 : nameBorealis Ung Komponist
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723262: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723262: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:6,”name”:”Agnes Hvizdalek”},{“id”:147,”name”:”Borealis Ung Komponist”},{“id”:5,”name”:”Currentes”},{“id”:8,”name”:”Mirte Bogaert”},{“id”:7,”name”:”Tord Kalvenes”},{“id”:9,”name”:”Vegar Guleng”}]
(10) title of created page: title from JSON: (Possibly not) Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi open/dress rehearsal
(10) excerpt of created page:
(10) slug: slug-(Possibly not) Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi open/dress rehearsal-(Possibly not) Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi open-dress rehearsal
(10) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(10) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: (Possibly not) Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi open/dress rehearsal<hr> <hr>
(10) featured image URL:
(10) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(10) No url_default for featured image defined
(10) no featured image defined
(10) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(10) show created page 723263:
(10) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aa(Possibly not) Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi open/dress rehearsal
(10) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[]
(10) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723263: extracustomfield1 : name(Possibly not) Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi open/dress rehearsal
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723263: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723263: extracustomfield2 : per[]
(11) title of created page: title from JSON: Abdu Ali's as they lay
(11) excerpt of created page:
(11) slug: slug-Abdu Ali's as they lay-Abdu Ali's as they lay
(11) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(11) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Abdu Ali's as they lay<hr> performances : Abdu Ali<br> performances : Markele Cullins<br> <hr>
(11) featured image URL:
(11) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(11) No url_default for featured image defined
(11) no featured image defined
(11) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(11) show created page 723264:
(11) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaAbdu Ali’s as they lay
(11) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:172,”name”:”Abdu Ali”},{“id”:173,”name”:”Markele Cullins”}]
(11) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723264: extracustomfield1 : nameAbdu Ali’s as they lay
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723264: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723264: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:172,”name”:”Abdu Ali”},{“id”:173,”name”:”Markele Cullins”}]
(12) title of created page: title from JSON: Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(12) excerpt of created page:
(12) slug: slug-Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition-Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(12) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(12) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition<hr> performances : Anne Marthe Dyvi<br> performances : Ruth Bakke<br> <hr>
(12) featured image URL:
(12) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(12) No url_default for featured image defined
(12) no featured image defined
(12) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(12) show created page 723265:
(12) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRuth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(12) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:11,”name”:”Anne Marthe Dyvi”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”}]
(12) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723265: extracustomfield1 : nameRuth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723265: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723265: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:11,”name”:”Anne Marthe Dyvi”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”}]
(13) title of created page: title from JSON: PSST2 open/dress rehearsal
(13) excerpt of created page:
(13) slug: slug-PSST2 open/dress rehearsal-PSST2 open-dress rehearsal
(13) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(13) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: PSST2 open/dress rehearsal<hr> <hr>
(13) featured image URL:
(13) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(13) No url_default for featured image defined
(13) no featured image defined
(13) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(13) show created page 723266:
(13) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaPSST2 open/dress rehearsal
(13) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[]
(13) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723266: extracustomfield1 : namePSST2 open/dress rehearsal
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723266: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723266: extracustomfield2 : per[]
(14) title of created page: title from JSON: Nikima Jagudajev – Basically
(14) excerpt of created page:
(14) slug: slug-Nikima Jagudajev – Basically-Nikima Jagudajev – Basically
(14) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(14) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Nikima Jagudajev – Basically<hr> performances : Nikima Jagudajev<br> <hr>
(14) featured image URL:
(14) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(14) No url_default for featured image defined
(14) no featured image defined
(14) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(14) show created page 723267:
(14) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaNikima Jagudajev – Basically
(14) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:168,”name”:”Nikima Jagudajev”}]
(14) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723267: extracustomfield1 : nameNikima Jagudajev – Basically
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723267: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723267: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:168,”name”:”Nikima Jagudajev”}]
(15) title of created page: title from JSON: Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – Samtale Live Stream
(15) excerpt of created page:
(15) slug: slug-Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – Samtale Live Stream-Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – Samtale Live Stream
(15) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(15) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – Samtale Live Stream<hr> performances : Anne Marthe Dyvi<br> performances : Ruth Bakke<br> <hr>
(15) featured image URL:
(15) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(15) No url_default for featured image defined
(15) no featured image defined
(15) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(15) show created page 723268:
(15) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRuth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – Samtale Live Stream
(15) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:11,”name”:”Anne Marthe Dyvi”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”}]
(15) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723268: extracustomfield1 : nameRuth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – Samtale Live Stream
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723268: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723268: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:11,”name”:”Anne Marthe Dyvi”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”}]
(16) title of created page: title from JSON: Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(16) excerpt of created page:
(16) slug: slug-Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition-Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(16) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(16) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Ruth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition<hr> performances : Anne Marthe Dyvi<br> performances : Marion Hestholm<br> performances : Ruth Bakke<br> performances : Ruth Bakke og Anne Marthe Dyvi<br> <hr>
(16) featured image URL:
(16) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(16) No url_default for featured image defined
(16) no featured image defined
(16) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(16) show created page 723269:
(16) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRuth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(16) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:11,”name”:”Anne Marthe Dyvi”},{“id”:188,”name”:”Marion Hestholm”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”},{“id”:149,”name”:”Ruth Bakke og Anne Marthe Dyvi”}]
(16) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723269: extracustomfield1 : nameRuth Bakke & Anne Marthe Dyvi – De Composition
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723269: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723269: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:11,”name”:”Anne Marthe Dyvi”},{“id”:188,”name”:”Marion Hestholm”},{“id”:10,”name”:”Ruth Bakke”},{“id”:149,”name”:”Ruth Bakke og Anne Marthe Dyvi”}]
(17) title of created page: title from JSON: Ricardo Odriozola
(17) excerpt of created page:
(17) slug: slug-Ricardo Odriozola-Ricardo Odriozola
(17) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(17) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Ricardo Odriozola<hr> performances : Ricardo Odriozola<br> <hr>
(17) featured image URL:
(17) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(17) No url_default for featured image defined
(17) no featured image defined
(17) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(17) show created page 723270:
(17) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRicardo Odriozola
(17) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:13,”name”:”Ricardo Odriozola”}]
(17) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723270: extracustomfield1 : nameRicardo Odriozola
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723270: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723270: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:13,”name”:”Ricardo Odriozola”}]
(18) title of created page: title from JSON: Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategies / 11 Postures
(18) excerpt of created page:
(18) slug: slug-Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategies / 11 Postures-Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategies – 11 Postures
(18) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(18) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategies / 11 Postures<hr> performances : Marshall Trammell<br> <hr>
(18) featured image URL:
(18) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(18) No url_default for featured image defined
(18) no featured image defined
(18) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(18) show created page 723271:
(18) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaMarshall Trammell – Music Research Strategies / 11 Postures
(18) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:145,”name”:”Marshall Trammell”}]
(18) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723271: extracustomfield1 : nameMarshall Trammell – Music Research Strategies / 11 Postures
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723271: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723271: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:145,”name”:”Marshall Trammell”}]
(19) title of created page: title from JSON: Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategy / 11 Postures
(19) excerpt of created page:
(19) slug: slug-Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategy / 11 Postures-Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategy – 11 Postures
(19) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(19) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Marshall Trammell – Music Research Strategy / 11 Postures<hr> performances : Marshall Trammell<br> <hr>
(19) featured image URL:
(19) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(19) No url_default for featured image defined
(19) no featured image defined
(19) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(19) show created page 723272:
(19) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaMarshall Trammell – Music Research Strategy / 11 Postures
(19) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:145,”name”:”Marshall Trammell”}]
(19) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723272: extracustomfield1 : nameMarshall Trammell – Music Research Strategy / 11 Postures
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723272: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723272: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:145,”name”:”Marshall Trammell”}]
(20) title of created page: title from JSON: Resonating Nordnes
(20) excerpt of created page:
(20) slug: slug-Resonating Nordnes-Resonating Nordnes
(20) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(20) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Resonating Nordnes<hr> performances : Avgarde<br> performances : Jenny Berger Myhre<br> performances : SkottegatenFM<br> <hr>
(20) featured image URL:
(20) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(20) No url_default for featured image defined
(20) no featured image defined
(20) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(20) show created page 723273:
(20) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaResonating Nordnes
(20) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:193,”name”:”Avgarde”},{“id”:181,”name”:”Jenny Berger Myhre”},{“id”:183,”name”:”SkottegatenFM”}]
(20) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723273: extracustomfield1 : nameResonating Nordnes
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723273: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723273: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:193,”name”:”Avgarde”},{“id”:181,”name”:”Jenny Berger Myhre”},{“id”:183,”name”:”SkottegatenFM”}]
(21) title of created page: title from JSON: Det Elektriske Korps (Workshop)
(21) excerpt of created page:
(21) slug: slug-Det Elektriske Korps (Workshop)-Det Elektriske Korps (Workshop)
(21) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(21) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Det Elektriske Korps (Workshop)<hr> performances : Det Elektriske Korps<br> <hr>
(21) featured image URL:
(21) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(21) No url_default for featured image defined
(21) no featured image defined
(21) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(21) show created page 723274:
(21) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaDet Elektriske Korps (Workshop)
(21) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:182,”name”:”Det Elektriske Korps”}]
(21) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723274: extracustomfield1 : nameDet Elektriske Korps (Workshop)
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723274: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723274: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:182,”name”:”Det Elektriske Korps”}]
(22) title of created page: title from JSON: Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(22) excerpt of created page:
(22) slug: slug-Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins-Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(22) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(22) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins<hr> performances : Dániel Biró<br> performances : Jostein Stalheim<br> performances : Kari Telstad Sundet<br> performances : Kathryn Alexander<br> performances : Mogens Christensen<br> performances : Ricardo Odriozola<br> performances : Tim Hodgkinson<br> <hr>
(22) featured image URL:
(22) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(22) No url_default for featured image defined
(22) no featured image defined
(22) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(22) show created page 723275:
(22) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRicardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(22) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:155,”name”:”D\u00e1niel Bir\u00f3″},{“id”:152,”name”:”Jostein Stalheim”},{“id”:144,”name”:”Kari Telstad Sundet”},{“id”:156,”name”:”Kathryn Alexander”},{“id”:151,”name”:”Mogens Christensen”},{“id”:13,”name”:”Ricardo Odriozola”},{“id”:146,”name”:”Tim Hodgkinson”}]
(22) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723275: extracustomfield1 : nameRicardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723275: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723275: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:155,”name”:”D\u00e1niel Bir\u00f3″},{“id”:152,”name”:”Jostein Stalheim”},{“id”:144,”name”:”Kari Telstad Sundet”},{“id”:156,”name”:”Kathryn Alexander”},{“id”:151,”name”:”Mogens Christensen”},{“id”:13,”name”:”Ricardo Odriozola”},{“id”:146,”name”:”Tim Hodgkinson”}]
(23) title of created page: title from JSON: Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(23) excerpt of created page:
(23) slug: slug-Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins-Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(23) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(23) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Ricardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins<hr> performances : Dániel Biró<br> performances : Jostein Stalheim<br> performances : Kari Telstad Sundet<br> performances : Kathryn Alexander<br> performances : Mogens Christensen<br> performances : Ricardo Odriozola<br> performances : Tim Hodgkinson<br> <hr>
(23) featured image URL:
(23) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(23) No url_default for featured image defined
(23) no featured image defined
(23) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(23) show created page 723276:
(23) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRicardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(23) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:155,”name”:”D\u00e1niel Bir\u00f3″},{“id”:152,”name”:”Jostein Stalheim”},{“id”:144,”name”:”Kari Telstad Sundet”},{“id”:156,”name”:”Kathryn Alexander”},{“id”:151,”name”:”Mogens Christensen”},{“id”:13,”name”:”Ricardo Odriozola”},{“id”:146,”name”:”Tim Hodgkinson”}]
(23) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723276: extracustomfield1 : nameRicardo Odriozola – Rainbows Stretched as Endless Reins
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723276: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723276: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:155,”name”:”D\u00e1niel Bir\u00f3″},{“id”:152,”name”:”Jostein Stalheim”},{“id”:144,”name”:”Kari Telstad Sundet”},{“id”:156,”name”:”Kathryn Alexander”},{“id”:151,”name”:”Mogens Christensen”},{“id”:13,”name”:”Ricardo Odriozola”},{“id”:146,”name”:”Tim Hodgkinson”}]
(24) title of created page: title from JSON: Andreas Borregaard – open/dress rehearsal
(24) excerpt of created page:
(24) slug: slug-Andreas Borregaard – open/dress rehearsal-Andreas Borregaard – open-dress rehearsal
(24) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(24) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Andreas Borregaard – open/dress rehearsal<hr> performances : Andreas Borregaard<br> <hr>
(24) featured image URL:
(24) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(24) No url_default for featured image defined
(24) no featured image defined
(24) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(24) show created page 723277:
(24) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaAndreas Borregaard – open/dress rehearsal
(24) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:12,”name”:”Andreas Borregaard”}]
(24) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723277: extracustomfield1 : nameAndreas Borregaard – open/dress rehearsal
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723277: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723277: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:12,”name”:”Andreas Borregaard”}]
(25) title of created page: title from JSON: Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(25) excerpt of created page:
(25) slug: slug-Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!-Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(25) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(25) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!<hr> performances : Andreas Borregaard<br> performances : Marcela Lucatelli<br> performances : Philip Venables<br> <hr>
(25) featured image URL:
(25) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(25) No url_default for featured image defined
(25) no featured image defined
(25) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(25) show created page 723278:
(25) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaAndreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(25) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:12,”name”:”Andreas Borregaard”},{“id”:142,”name”:”Marcela Lucatelli”},{“id”:141,”name”:”Philip Venables”}]
(25) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723278: extracustomfield1 : nameAndreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723278: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723278: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:12,”name”:”Andreas Borregaard”},{“id”:142,”name”:”Marcela Lucatelli”},{“id”:141,”name”:”Philip Venables”}]
(26) title of created page: title from JSON: Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(26) excerpt of created page:
(26) slug: slug-Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!-Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(26) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(26) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Andreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!<hr> performances : Andreas Borregaard<br> performances : Marcela Lucatelli<br> performances : Philip Venables<br> performances : Ted Huffman<br> <hr>
(26) featured image URL:
(26) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(26) No url_default for featured image defined
(26) no featured image defined
(26) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(26) show created page 723279:
(26) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaAndreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(26) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:12,”name”:”Andreas Borregaard”},{“id”:142,”name”:”Marcela Lucatelli”},{“id”:141,”name”:”Philip Venables”},{“id”:143,”name”:”Ted Huffman”}]
(26) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723279: extracustomfield1 : nameAndreas Borregaard – Solo Act 2: Just Do It!
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723279: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723279: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:12,”name”:”Andreas Borregaard”},{“id”:142,”name”:”Marcela Lucatelli”},{“id”:141,”name”:”Philip Venables”},{“id”:143,”name”:”Ted Huffman”}]
(27) title of created page: title from JSON: Borealis X Utmark: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus TCF
(27) excerpt of created page:
(27) slug: slug-Borealis X Utmark: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus TCF-Borealis X Utmark: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus TCF
(27) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(27) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Borealis X Utmark: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus TCF<hr> performances : Laura Ortman<br> <hr>
(27) featured image URL:
(27) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(27) No url_default for featured image defined
(27) no featured image defined
(27) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(27) show created page 723280:
(27) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaBorealis X Utmark: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus TCF
(27) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:169,”name”:”Laura Ortman”}]
(27) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723280: extracustomfield1 : nameBorealis X Utmark: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus TCF
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723280: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723280: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:169,”name”:”Laura Ortman”}]
(28) title of created page: title from JSON: Utmark X Borealis: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus
(28) excerpt of created page:
(28) slug: slug-Utmark X Borealis: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus-Utmark X Borealis: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus
(28) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(28) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Utmark X Borealis: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus<hr> performances : Alnæs/Nørstebø/Meaas Svendsen<br> performances : Laura Ortman<br> performances : TCFX<br> <hr>
(28) featured image URL:
(28) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(28) No url_default for featured image defined
(28) no featured image defined
(28) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(28) show created page 723281:
(28) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaUtmark X Borealis: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus
(28) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:201,”name”:”Aln\u00e6s\/N\u00f8rsteb\u00f8\/Meaas Svendsen”},{“id”:169,”name”:”Laura Ortman”},{“id”:194,”name”:”TCFX”}]
(28) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723281: extracustomfield1 : nameUtmark X Borealis: Laura Ortman & Lars Holdhus
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723281: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723281: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:201,”name”:”Aln\u00e6s\/N\u00f8rsteb\u00f8\/Meaas Svendsen”},{“id”:169,”name”:”Laura Ortman”},{“id”:194,”name”:”TCFX”}]
(29) title of created page: title from JSON: Det Elektriske Korps(Workshop)
(29) excerpt of created page:
(29) slug: slug-Det Elektriske Korps(Workshop)-Det Elektriske Korps(Workshop)
(29) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(29) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Det Elektriske Korps(Workshop)<hr> performances : Det Elektriske Korps<br> <hr>
(29) featured image URL:
(29) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(29) No url_default for featured image defined
(29) no featured image defined
(29) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(29) show created page 723282:
(29) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaDet Elektriske Korps(Workshop)
(29) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:182,”name”:”Det Elektriske Korps”}]
(29) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723282: extracustomfield1 : nameDet Elektriske Korps(Workshop)
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723282: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723282: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:182,”name”:”Det Elektriske Korps”}]
(30) title of created page: title from JSON: Øyvind Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind Skarbø & Fredrik Rysjedal – PSST2
(30) excerpt of created page:
(30) slug: slug-Øyvind Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind Skarbø & Fredrik Rysjedal – PSST2-Øyvind Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind Skarbø & Fredrik Rysjedal – PSST2
(30) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(30) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Øyvind Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind Skarbø & Fredrik Rysjedal – PSST2<hr> performances : Fredrik Rysjedal<br> performances : Øyvind Hegg-Lunde<br> performances : Øyvind Skarbø<br> performances : PSST2<br> <hr>
(30) featured image URL:
(30) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(30) No url_default for featured image defined
(30) no featured image defined
(30) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(30) show created page 723283:
(30) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaØyvind Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind Skarbø & Fredrik Rysjedal – PSST2
(30) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:16,”name”:”Fredrik Rysjedal”},{“id”:15,”name”:”\u00d8yvind Hegg-Lunde”},{“id”:14,”name”:”\u00d8yvind Skarb\u00f8″},{“id”:150,”name”:”PSST2″}]
(30) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723283: extracustomfield1 : nameØyvind Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind Skarbø & Fredrik Rysjedal – PSST2
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723283: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723283: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:16,”name”:”Fredrik Rysjedal”},{“id”:15,”name”:”\u00d8yvind Hegg-Lunde”},{“id”:14,”name”:”\u00d8yvind Skarb\u00f8″},{“id”:150,”name”:”PSST2″}]
(31) title of created page: title from JSON: BIT20 open/dress rehearsal
(31) excerpt of created page:
(31) slug: slug-BIT20 open/dress rehearsal-BIT20 open-dress rehearsal
(31) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(31) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: BIT20 open/dress rehearsal<hr> performances : BIT20 Ensemble<br> <hr>
(31) featured image URL:
(31) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(31) No url_default for featured image defined
(31) no featured image defined
(31) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(31) show created page 723284:
(31) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaBIT20 open/dress rehearsal
(31) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”}]
(31) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723284: extracustomfield1 : nameBIT20 open/dress rehearsal
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723284: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723284: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”}]
(32) title of created page: title from JSON: Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(32) excerpt of created page:
(32) slug: slug-Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving-Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(32) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(32) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving<hr> performances : BIT20 Ensemble<br> performances : Mari Galambos Grue<br> performances : Raven Chacon<br> performances : Trond Madsen<br> <hr>
(32) featured image URL:
(32) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(32) No url_default for featured image defined
(32) no featured image defined
(32) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(32) show created page 723285:
(32) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRaven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(32) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”},{“id”:186,”name”:”Mari Galambos Grue”},{“id”:19,”name”:”Raven Chacon”},{“id”:167,”name”:”Trond Madsen”}]
(32) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723285: extracustomfield1 : nameRaven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723285: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723285: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”},{“id”:186,”name”:”Mari Galambos Grue”},{“id”:19,”name”:”Raven Chacon”},{“id”:167,”name”:”Trond Madsen”}]
(33) title of created page: title from JSON: Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(33) excerpt of created page:
(33) slug: slug-Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving-Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(33) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(33) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Raven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving<hr> performances : BIT20 Ensemble<br> performances : Mari Galambos Grue<br> performances : Raven Chacon<br> performances : Trond Madsen<br> <hr>
(33) featured image URL:
(33) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(33) No url_default for featured image defined
(33) no featured image defined
(33) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(33) show created page 723286:
(33) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaRaven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(33) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”},{“id”:186,”name”:”Mari Galambos Grue”},{“id”:19,”name”:”Raven Chacon”},{“id”:167,”name”:”Trond Madsen”}]
(33) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723286: extracustomfield1 : nameRaven Chacon & BIT20 Ensemble – Double Weaving
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723286: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723286: extracustomfield2 : per[{“id”:18,”name”:”BIT20 Ensemble”},{“id”:186,”name”:”Mari Galambos Grue”},{“id”:19,”name”:”Raven Chacon”},{“id”:167,”name”:”Trond Madsen”}]
(34) title of created page: title from JSON: Closing party Åsane
(34) excerpt of created page:
(34) slug: slug-Closing party Åsane-Closing party Åsane
(34) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{name}}<hr> {% for p in
(34) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Closing party Åsane<hr> <hr>
(34) featured image URL:
(34) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(34) No url_default for featured image defined
(34) no featured image defined
(34) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-18 19:31:01
(34) show created page 723287:
(34) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf1, Pattern: aa{{name}}, value: aaClosing party Åsane
(34) FAILED – fill acf-CustomPostField: acf2, Pattern: bb{{performances | json_encode}}, value: bb[]
(34) add 3 custom fields, set by shortcode
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield1 : name{{name| trim}}
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723287: extracustomfield1 : nameClosing party Åsane
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723287: extracustomfield2 : extravalue2’SingleQuote’
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: extracustomfield2 : per{{performances | json_encode}}
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 723287: extracustomfield2 : per[]