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cp-title: Jochem vanden Ecker
Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:441,”name”:”Jochem vanden Ecker”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Jochem vanden Ecker er fotograf og kunstner bosatt i Antwerp i Belgia. Han har studert fotografi ved akademiet for media og design i Genk. Arbeidet hans er prosessorientert, og han jobber dokumentarisk, ofte i dialog med andre kunstnere, arkitektur og situasjoner. Vandrelyst og det nomadiske er ofte sentrale konsepter i arbeidet hans. Jochem har publisert en rekke kunstbu00f8ker, blant annet A Skydogu2019s Time. A Skydogu2019s Place (2015) og From Brown to Blue (2013).
Jochem vanden Ecker studied photography at the Media and Design Academy in Genk and has lived in Antwerp in Belgium for the last few years. Jochemu2019s work is processu00ad oriented, with a hybrid documentary method often in dialogue with other artists, architectures and situations. Wanderlust and nomadism are key concepts for him. Jochem has released a string of artists books such as A Skydogu2019s Time. A Skydogu2019s Place (2015) and From Brown to Blue (2013).
Espen Sommer Eide u2013 The Waves
Espen Sommer Eide u2013 The Waves