Your Weekly Horoscope for January 1st



A new year for you also means new beginnings, starting with romance. You’ll start looking back at old relationships and making sure you only keep the ones that add value to your life. For those in relationships, you’ve been spending a lot of time with your partner’s family but make sure to take some time for yourself, too. After not having used any vacation days this year, it’s time to relax and lift the foot a little when it comes to work.


Accept any social invitation that comes your way, including unplanned outgoings and parties. The most important thing in life is to enjoy! For couples, you’ll spare no expense at the end of the year to indulge yourself and your partner, especially when it comes to going to good restaurants and eating great food. You’ll have to pick up the pace at work this week after a long vacation. A lot of responsibilities will fall onto your lap and only you can handle it!


There’s no time for heartache at the beginning of a new year and you have better things to do than to waste your time. Try to not take dating too seriously and to have fun! For those already in relationships, don’t let the unspoken tension between you two ruin a great time. Work on improving communication. Professionally, try to be patient and wait for a response to your request at work. Time will allow you to see things more clearly.


You want to be in love. After all, spending New Year’s Eve without a lover is like attending a parade without any instruments. Try to keep your spirits high and hopefully you’ll attract a handsome stranger as the new year rolls in. As for those with partners already, you’ve been enjoying yourself by spending time with your lover’s family, but you’ve still got a case of the blues. At work, even if you’re being forced to work with co-workers you don’t like, try to take everything in stride.


There’s no time to pay attention to your romantic life or any prospective partners. You’re feeling so overwhelmed at the end of the year that you’re trying to just focus on yourself. For couples, your attempts to get closer to your partner have not been successful because he or she is feeling guarded and distant. Wait a little longer and see if your partner decides to open up more. There hasn’t been a great atmosphere in the office and things feel tense. Use it as an opportunity to take a leave of absence and you’ll feel refreshed in the new year.


Thanks to your friends, family, and loved ones, you don’t feel like you’re missed out on anything by being single and unattached. The most important thing to you is to live and have a great time. For those in relationships, your darling is starting to feel neglected because you haven’t been reciprocating his or her gifts or acts of affection. Try to go out of your way to prove your love. At work, don’t rely too much on promises made by bosses or co-workers. Only trust contracts or negotiations that are set in stone!


With a full social calendar, singles might just meet their soul mates on New Year’s Eve (or at least a new lover). Your new year will start off wonderfully! For couples, if you desire the warmth of your partner, try not to be cold as an Eskimo! Open up and show your affections. You’ll soon earn the trust or someone at work who really believes that you can succeed. A new creative project is in your future!


Playing hard-to-get has worked for you so far, but someone new will cause you to confess your true feelings. You’ll show your love not through words, but through actions. For those already in relationships, Venus will convince you to sign a new lease with your other half this month. Moving in with your lover has been on your mind for a while, but try to not let any doubts get in the way! You’ve decided to assert yourself at work and make your points clear, but don’t backtrack on anything you’ve already said. You might just get what you want!


Remaining guarded and practical has always been your go-to when it comes to relationships, but try to put yourself out there. It’s okay to let yourself get swept up by love! As for those already with partners, try not to demand too much from your lover and to take things slowly. You might end up starting off the new year on a bad foot! At work, a project you’ve been planning for a long time is progressing faster than yo imagined! You’ll be thrilled to start off the new year ahead of the curve.


You’ll see a friend in a different light this week and start re-considering if this friendship could turn into something more. Try it out and see if they’re worth all of the effort! As for those in relationships, the cold weather is causing your romance to dwindle. Try to revive the flame with your partner and spend some extra time with him or her. Saturn will also strengthen your position at work and you’ll start off the new year without any problems.


Deep down, you know that you’ve very independent but loneliness is starting to take a toll on you. Put yourself out there with confidence and meet somebody new. For couples, try to find a common project for you and your partner to work on. It might just strengthen your bond and prevent you two from growing distant. Your work life is steady and you’ve begun planning for the future. 2018 will be a great year for you professionally!


The love of your life is just around the corner (or maybe was in front of your eyes this entire time). Accept any invitations that come your way and try to strike up a connection with someone new! For those in relationships, stop looking at all of the small problems and see the bigger picture. The bond between you and your partner will become even stronger if you learn how to communicate! You just want to enjoy the end of the year and relax. Work will take a backseat for you this week because you need the extra time to re-charge going into the new year.


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