Your Weekly Horoscope for November 13th



Your aura is attracting suitors like flies. With so many choices, be careful of who you decide to pick. Couples, the heat is on and the house is burning. Take advantage of these good times.


The stars give you freedom to experiment. If you’re thinking of changing careers or just starting a new project, now is the chance. Be excited by this time of possibility.


Something is bothering you in your personal relationships, but you do not know how to articulate it without causing clash or disappointment. On the upswing, Mars gives you not only the energy but also the opportunity to collaborate with someone you particularly like in your career field. It will be up to you to seize upon that moment.


A crush can occur this week. But as these kinds of feelings do not happen so regularly for you, be weary. As for those already in relationships, you are lucky to be with your partner. Enjoy your times together! At work, great motivation assures your success.


Work is intense this week, and you’ll likely not want to complicate your life with dating. Is it worth going back to your ex? Maybe. Certainly easier, but is it the smartest choice? That is yours to make. At work, you’re feeling everything in all directions. Take vitamins, get rest.


The time has come to take pleasure wherever you can get it. If it’s with a lover, that’s great. If it’s with friends, that’s good as well. You’ve understood that happiness is not solely defined. As for couples, you’ve finally found some middle ground to share interests, tasks, and the small smiles of the every day.


Jealously is a bad fault to have, but often times is unavoidable completely. As others approach your darling, you must be mindful of that crux. At work, you’re seeing the positive results on a campaign you started. Enjoy it!


It is possible that a surprise—from either a person or pleasant event—will strike you this week, transporting you far from normal life. Be open to it! At work, you can rely on your network to meet your goals. These strong bonds speak to the kind of person that you are.


You’re hurting yourself by focusing on your flaws. Even if you feel like you are not where you want to be, open your eyes to the full picture. Mercury will allow you to go on a journey soon—whether far away or simply in your mind—and it will boost your spirits.


Venus’ polar side has finally folded a lot of the baggage in your life, and harmony has returned. The atmosphere is lighter, you communicate better, and life is better. You might even be asked to act as a mediator or advisor this week at work.


You walk this week between joy and disappointment. One day a bright new story unfolds, and then you’re sulking into sadness on another. Couples are feeling a bit of the this same ole song: one moment you love one another, and the next you’re annoyed to the point of no return. You must work at creating a balance between both extremes.


A good week awaits you. Jupiter brings romantic surprises and enduring love. At work too you’ll finally get that green light to take on a new task. It will change your career as you know it, and you’re excited!


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createdAt:Mon, 13 Nov 2017 20:07:53 +0000
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