“Single Virgos will be irresistible to their admirers this week. If that’s you, make the most of this phase and enjoy taking your pick of dates. Couples: If you feel like your partner won’t let you catch a break, crack your sweetest smile and tell them to relax. At work, it pays to remember that sweeping your issues under the rug doesn’t mean they’re not still there.”
“If you’re single, stop doubting yourself and let your natural beauty shine through. If you’re in a relationship, everything will be smooth sailing between you and your partner, but be wary of developing a dull routine. Professionally speaking, it’s the perfect time to get out there and network.”
“Single Scorpios will be the life and soul of the party this week, while those in relationships will feel on cloud nine with their lover. Career-wise: An enticing offer will present itself. If it’s more lucrative than your current position, don’t hesitate to accept it right away.”
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createdAt:Fri, 24 Mar 2017 13:53:01 +0000
displayType:Standard Article