Now Casting: Noah Carlos


Noah Carlos is racking up runway credits this fashion month, modeling for Helmut Lang, Marni, and Missoni, among others. The non-binary model is relatively new to the high fashion circuit, but has developed a dedicated following on Instagram and Depop for their impressive thrifting skills and fun styling. Carlos recently visited CR to share more about how their passion for vintage clothes led to a career in modeling, and how life has been a whirlwind since then.

How has it been navigating the fashion industry as a non-binary model?
Well, I don’t think I’ve been in the fashion industry that long, but growing up, I’m comfortable being a male, born biologically, but I’m not like every other person. I don’t dress like a regular male person. If I walk into a male bathroom, I’d probably be beat up or something. I feel like I have both features of both genders. I don’t fit in with the males and I don’t fit in with the females. I fit in in between, so non-binary it is.”

What has your modeling journey been like so far?
I started getting into modeling a year or two ago, but the last few months, it was hardcore. I was getting cast for streetwear brands and agencies were contacting me. Then, my aunts and uncles were like, ‘Did you know you were a baby model when your were younger?’ and I was like ‘No!’ and they [said] ‘Yeah, your parents spent like hundreds and thousands of dollars.’ And they said I should look through them, so I asked my mom and she said that its probably in a box somewhere that we can’t find.”

What’s been your favorite modeling experience so far?
Maybe now. It happened so fast. A year ago, in the summer of 2017, I got scouted on Instagram through IMG. I met up with them, didn’t hear anything back, and a few weeks ago at Camp Flog Gnaw, after I almost died in a mosh pit—my legs were almost broken, I was walking like I was drunk, and my hair was ruined—Isabel, one of the scouts from IMG walked up to me and asked me if I was interested in modeling. I was just like ‘Oh my gosh, shut up!’ and it just happened really fast from there.”

How did you get into thrifting?
“I have my own shop called Loser Thrift on Depop and I model my own clothes. I had a friend at the time who was selling on the app just to make extra money from his old clothes, and I was like ‘Oh I need extra money and I don’t want to get a job, so why don’t I try it?’ I was selling things from Forever 21 that I wasn’t wearing anymore, and then that’s when I started thrifting, and when I was over it, I would sell it. I was like, ‘Woah! I could make money selling vintage.’ It just kind of happened. Then, people were like, ‘We want more! We want more!’ so I gave into their needs and it blew up from there as well.”

What do you look for when thrifting for pieces?
I go through every single thing. That’s the top thing to find pieces, because you don’t know. What if there’s a cool graphic on the front of a shirt? I go through every single thing, and if I get lazy, which is after an hour or two—I’m like ‘I want to go home, I’m hungry’—I’ll start skimming through looking for patterns, a cool wash of denim, or just something on the side that catches my eye.”

How would you describe your own style?
I don’t describe my own style, because it’s hard to. I [wear] whatever I feel and think is cute, and my mood changes every single day. I can’t pick out an outfit the day before and there’s no specific style. One day, I’m going to be a vintage 1970s prairie hoe and the next day I’m going to be a goth Avril Lavigne stan.”

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Thrifting, of course. I try to find new inventory for my shop at all times. Today, I only had 10 minutes and I walked into Goodwill and was like ‘OK good, time to go.’ That’s the only thing I do full-time. My life revolves around thrifting.”


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