“If you’ve recently come out of an unhealthy relationship, you’ll finally start to feel like your old self again this week. Couples: Now is the time to let your lover know how much they mean to you. Professionally speaking, don’t be afraid to make your opinion heard. Far from rejection, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your boss welcomes your ideas.”
“Love isn’t on the cards for the single Taurus this week, so if that’s you, don’t concern yourself with dating. For those already paired up, be prepared to set aside time for some quality moments with your partner. At work, you’ll need to find a bountiful supply of energy if you want to complete all of your tasks.”
“This week, you’ll fall in love without even noticing it. For those already in a relationship, be very careful about your next move. If you’re single, however, feel free to continue forward without caution. Career-wise: Speed, creativity, and logistics are on your side.”
“As May comes to a close, your libido will soar to an all-time high. Solo Cancers may find this fact problematic, but if you’re in relationship, it shouldn’t be an issue. Professionally speaking, don’t be tempted to slack off now as it will only lead to more work later.”
“The stars are aligned to bring you great romance this week. While this is doubtless a good thing, be wary of potential lovers who promise more than seems realistically possible. At work, utilize your managerial skills and encourage your team towards greatness.”
“You’re very sensitive to the moon this week, meaning that any action big or small could bring you happiness or hurt you. If someone says something that brings about the latter, do your best not to blow the situation out of proportion. Career-wise: An exciting development will lead you to momentarily lose your cool and calm composure.”
“Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, so leave the past behind you and celebrate everything that’s good and great right now. Lovers: An amusing encounter will bring you closer together. At work, you’ll handle your business with swift efficiency.”
“With you it seems that life is too much or never enough. This kind of outlook doesn’t bring about balance or happiness, so work on trying to find your equilibrium this week. Professionally speaking, trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to side with your heart over your head.”
“You’re a fire sign and you’ll certainly bring the heat this week. If you’re in a new or long-term relationship, a volcano is brewing in you and your lover can expect to bear the brunt of it. At work, Mercury will highlight a clear path towards your next professional move.”
“If you’re single and fed up of being alone, do something to put yourself out there this week. Couples: Learn to maintain your composure while communicating how you feel to your partner. At work, a new audience will give you some valuable feedback.”
“Venus is in Aquarius this week, bringing a calm period of tender pampering. Regardless of your romantic status, you can expect to feel loved and give love in return. As June nears, you can also expect a gradual quickening of pace at work.”
“Don’t be discouraged by a chance meeting with an ex lover or old friend this week. If they say something to hurt you, take it instead as a sign to be happy they’re no longer in your day-to-day life. Professionally speaking, a casual contact could bring you a lucrative new offer before Friday, so keep your eyes and ears alert.”
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createdAt:Tue, 30 May 2017 14:18:39 +0000
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