Your Weekly Horoscope for August 20th



Singles haven’t felt great for some time now, separate from the fact that they don’t have a partner in their lives. You’re far more desirable than you think; you just have to put yourself out there to make the right connection. As for those already in relationships, you and your darling can only see the good parts of the world because you’re in such a happy, joyous mood. Professionally, you’re fighting at work to get the appreciation that you deserve, but it’ll all work out for you in the end.


You’re not afraid to take the lead to seduce the object of your desire! Use your beauty as your ultimate weapon in order to attract attention. For couples, the honeymoon period has already passed, but it’s good to keep learning new things about each other to keep the spark alive. You’ll also be envious of others’ skills at work, but don’t let that stop you from pitching your own ideas.


Singles, your close friends and loved ones are protecting you from loneliness by spending all of their spare time with you. Allow their friendship to give you the confidence you need for future success in love. As for those already with partners, the warm weather has given your relationship plenty of fire and sensuality. Work is also fine this week, but your finances are growing tight.


Live out the rest of your summer by keeping as busy as possible and going on dates with new people. What matter most is that you’re healthy and enjoying the time with close friends! As for those already in relationships, you love when your partner puts in extra effort to be affectionate, but you also have to compromise and know that you can’t always get your way. Overcome any hurdles and you’ll come out stronger on the other side. Professionally, you’re standing out more than ever and getting by with your charisma and interpersonal skills!


Have all the fun you can with friends this week. You feel more appreciative than ever because you recently lost a few important people in your life. For couples, you soak up every happy moment that you have with your partner and it brings your life immense joy. You’re also managing everything at work well and even thinking about investing in some real estate in the future.


After going out on a nice date this week, you want to see what else is out there and open yourself up to love, but you also don’t want to move too fast. Don’t get too ahead of yourself when it comes to your response! As for those already with partners, you’ve been getting along with your significant other quite nicely, but don’t be too keen to avoid disagreement. You’ve also set up a goal to renew your work ethic for the fall and to improve when it comes to time management and taking initiative.


Don’t be too fickle when it comes to love. As tempting as it may be to fall into the arms of the next attractive stranger you meet, you might be disappointed when he or she doesn’t turn out to be the love of your life. Be good to yourself and trust your choices. As for those already in relationships, you tend to get irritated easily with your partner, but try to enjoy the last days of summer as much as you can and relax. Professionally, you should give yourself time for self-reflection before making any important decisions in September.


Singles aren’t feeling at the top of their game, but they’re trying to project the image that they’re better than ever. Wait for the right one to come to you and don’t worry too much about love in the meantime. As for couples, a fresh relationship has given you the opportunity to bask in new love. You’re also suspecting that a colleague is competing with you at work, but don’t fret because you can handle any difficulty that comes your way!


You know better than anyone that projecting beauty and great energy can only lead you to find the love of your life. As for those already in relationships, you’ve finally reached the maturity and stage in which you’re ready to completely be yourself around your partner. If he or she doesn’t appreciate the real you, it’s their loss! Professionally, Venus and Mars will bring you determination and a fighting spirit in order for you to defend your ideas in September.


Love might be in the air; unfortunately, you’ve set your sights on someone who pleases you in the short-term but doesn’t give you any reassurance or security! This just presents a challenge for you and is more attractive than ever! For those already with partners, rely on your intuition to bring you what you want in relationships with ease. Don’t play any games, but also don’t back down from your standards. You also have nothing to worry about when it comes to work this week. Whether it’s your salary or working conditions, you can handle any obstacle!


Singles are beginning to think that it takes too much effort to seduce others and too many people won’t put themselves out there for love. You want to build a genuine future with someone else, so you’re not willing to settle for anything less! For couples, financial worries at home have made the atmosphere between you two a little tense. Light up a little because what you have together is already amazing! As you start thinking about your career, you’ve realized that unless you’re in a stress-free and harmonious workspace, you won’t do your best job.


Your goal is not to find love this week. Singles feel like they need to rest and regroup before they’re ready to find a new lover and jump into new romantic opportunities. As for those already in relationships, plan a special getaway just for two without any kids or loved ones to distract you both. Share the precious moments together before everything gets too busy at work. Professionally, you find it difficult to say no to your boss, but it might not always be the wisest choice to always agree.


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createdAt:Thu, 16 Aug 2018 17:42:32 +0000
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