Your Weekly Horoscope for April 30th



You have no hesitation when it comes to love this week. You’re not worried if someone doesn’t immediately strike your fancy, because another prospect is just around the corner. For couples, the mood between you two has been so fun and light-hearted. It’s been a pleasure to laugh and enjoy life together. Professionally, your only goal right now is to figure out how to earn a higher salary and you’re strategizing on how to improve your finances!


Don’t try to complicate matters by seeking out romance. If it’s not possible for you right now to sustain a relationship without stress, try to reap all of the benefits of being single, instead. For those already in relationships, sometimes you feel the urge to snoop into your significant other’s life and figure out what he or she is up to. Have faith in knowing your partner won’t hide anything bad from you; all of your suspicions could destroy the trust in your relationship. Take a break from work this week or you’ll risk over-extending yourself.


Focus your attention on someone who is attainable. It’s not always smart to go after a suitor who is playing hard to get. Sometimes he or she isn’t just playing! As for those already with partners, you’ve had a lot of questions on your mind when it comes to the future of the relationship. It’s okay to ask, but don’t be invasive. Try to stay in the present and enjoy what you have! You want to advance in work this week, but you’re running on low energy. Go at your own pace and everything will get done.


Singles don’t care about love this week, because they have so much to worry about as it is. Close friends and family will keep you busy and distracted. For those already in relationships, you’ve been so patient with your loved one, but you need to let him or her know that you’ve reached your limit. Let your partner have the freedom he or she desires, but don’t let yourself be a doormat. Professionally, you’re at risk for starting conflict with your boss this week. Don’t be too hasty to respond in a tense situation without thinking everything through first.


If you want a solid relationship, don’t jump into every superficial connection that comes your way. Be more selective about who gets to win your heart or else the joy will only be temporary. As for couples, living together has been a joy so far, but in order to reignite that spark between you two, you’ll have to get out of the house. Professionally, you’re eager to complete an important project as quickly as possible, but be careful and diligent in the process.


You’ve had so much fun flirting with strangers, but you’re ready for a more serious commitment. For those already in relationships, you’re ready to build a life with your significant other. You’ve begun to envision what your future would look like together. You’ve also been trying your best at work this week, and all of your hard effort is finally paying off.


Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to find the love of your life. You need to have more going on than just romance; don’t rely solely on relationships to keep your life interesting. For those already with partners, you’ve had enough with the conflicts between the two of you. You will tell your significant other this week that you want to take a step back. Professionally, patience will be the key this week. You feel tension in the air at work, but it’ll all pass soon enough.


You keep going between two extremes this week. Either you wear your heart on your sleeve, or you close yourself up as soon as a suitor seems promising. Ease up on the urgency to find love, but also let your guard down a little. For couples, if you want your relationship with your other half to be more balanced, stop focusing all of the attention on you. Your partner deserves to feel cherished. Work will not be easy for you this week, and you’ll need to learn how to collaborate with others.


Singles will meet someone this week that will strike their fancy, but they might need more time to make a decision about whether or not to commit. Be more patient and enjoy the time you have together. For those already in relationships, you’re making every effort to make your connection perfect, but make sure you’re not putting too much pressure on your partner. If you want a relaxing weekend, you’ll have to step up your motivation at work this week.


You have a tendency to look at relationships as black or white: You find yourself either in a serious relationship or a series of casual flings. Try to be more open-minded about possible relationships in the future and take advantage of love in the present. As for those in a relationship, if you don’t want to miss out on attention from your partner, try to be more attentive to him or her as well. Love is a two-way street. You’ll also want to be careful in your wording and your remarks this week at work. You don’t want to accidentally offend anyone.


You’ve been flirting a lot this week—take a break from it and welcome any distractions from friends and family. If anything, it will only make you more attractive to potential suitors when it looks as though you have a lot going on in your life. For those already in relationships, you need to make your partner understand that you require some space and room to breathe. You also have a great idea at work this week and will need some help putting your plans into motion.


As you search for love, don’t be afraid to lean on your friends and family for support. You’re lucky to have such caring and attentive people in your life! For those already in relationships, you’ll get to know your partner’s family more this week and your bond will become stronger than ever. There are also great prospects in your future when it comes to job promotions and new career opportunities.


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