Once confined to the parameters of a doctor’s office, a treatment called microneedling is now making its way into the home. The process involves a handheld tool covered in tiny steel needles that you roll over the skin, creating hundreds of tiny injuries to accelerate the body’s cell turnover and kickstart its natural regenerative process. Those who back it say it could be what’s standing between you and tighter, brighter, younger-looking skin. They also level that it’s the key to getting the most out of the 500-plus dollars the average American spends on skincare products every year. On a scientific level, rolling the needles over the skin’s surface opens micro-channels to the lower dermis, allowing potent active ingredients like retinol to penetrate deeper and have greater, or more dramatic, effect.
The at-home needling movement is being pioneered by the same Dallas-based lab that supplied doctor’s with professional equipment. Called Beauty Bioscience, the lab waited until it got patent approval before launching the first-ever top-to-toe, painless, personal microneedling system under the name GloPro. The brainchild of father-daughter duo Dr. Terry James (a leading anti-aging physician), and Jamie O’Banion (a former Miss Teen Texas with near-perfect skin), the hand-held device uses surgical-grade needles to gently prick the skin, prompting the body to increase collagen and elastin production in order to heal the wounded area.
If you’re not won over on the concept yet, just look at the facts: A recent clinical study by Beauty Bioscience, found that when used just three times a week for one minute at a time, beauty products are absorbed 200 times more effectively after at-home microneedling than when applied onto the skin alone. In another study, results showed that wrinkles were reduced by 30% in 30 days when used with the same frequency—amounting to a total of 180 seconds or just three minutes per week.
For those of you, like us, who are intrigued but don’t know where to start, we called O’Banion to explain how best to incorporate at-home microneedling into your skincare routine:
“For years, dermatologists have known that in order to regenerate skin, you have to wound it. Treatments around that concept started in the ‘70s with things like acid peels, then came microdermabrasion and lasers. All of those treatments can be effective, but there are a lot of risks—predominantly to do with painful downtime and permanent scarring—that come with them. When we first patented the process for microneedling, we introduced it to the medical space exclusively. Then, when the patent came through, we launched GloPro. It’s the same procedure you’d receive at your doctor’s office, just at home. Microneedling is more effective than any other treatment because the incisions the needles make don’t hurt the epidermis—but they shake it just enough to tap into the skin’s natural healing response, stimulating collagen and elastin production.”
“GloPro combines microneedling, red LED therapy, and Vibrotactile Stimulation to provide a range of cumulative effects. At the center of the tool are the microneedles which work by creating micro-injuries to induce a healing response in the skin. It’s a similar, but more complex, injury than shaving and can be done daily without any risk of scarring. Microchannels are created via the needles, the LED light stimulates additional collagen, and the vibrating function allows the tool to send the final effects deeper into the skin without penetrating the dermis too deeply.”
“Our patented system is proven to reduce wrinkles by 30% in 30 days when used three times a week for one minute per go and 100% of our trial participants said that our tool helped stimulate their skin’s natural collagen. Ninety-seven percent also reported an improvement in their skin’s firmness and said they felt their skin appeared younger. This is all after using GloPro for just 30 days, so imagine those results over six months or a year.”
“After the age of 18, humans produce 1% less collagen every year, so to begin microneedling early on in your 20s is a good idea. Most people, women in particular, will see a dramatic drop in collagen production between the ages of 30-35, so they’ll have to work harder to play catch up. If you start younger, you can get away with using it a couple of time a week, but if you’re older, it’s best to microneedle every or every other day.”
“Our body has a natural circadian rhythm that allows our body to restore and regenerate as we sleep. Because of this, we only recommend that you only microneedle before bed. That way, your body works synergistically with a tool like GloPro as you sleep.”
“Most people are terrified by the word ‘needles,’ so the first thing everyone should know is that microneedling needles are miniscule—0.3 millimeters long to be exact. They are made from surgical steel and can be rolled any which way without negative effect. It’s a really straightforward procedure from start to end: Wash your face, push down the button and roll. You cannot push down too hard and damage anything because the needles are short and the skin acts as a barrier and will protect you. After that, skincare products can be applied as normal.”
“Surgical steel needles are naturally microbial, but sanitation is still key to getting good effects. Dependent on how often you use the tool, you’ll need to replace the head every 35-45 days and the microneedles should be sprayed with drugstore-grade alcohol after every use. It’s an easy treatment, but it’s still a serious one, so it’s important to mimic the steps a surgeon would in an office.”
“A lot of people ask if it’s better to go to a surgeon a couples of times a year for a deeper needling treatment or if it’s effective to use a tool like GloPro, that just taps into the bottom of the epidermis, everyday. I answer that question with my own one, which is this: Is it better to run a grueling marathon twice a year or exercise little and often every day? The answer is obvious. At-home microneedling is cumulative in the skin, just like exercise. At first, you’ll see small changes and then over time, you’ll achieve a dramatic effect.”
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createdAt:Fri, 17 Mar 2017 18:28:06 +0000
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