cp-title: RAGE Thormbones

Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:260,”name”:”RAGE Thormbones”,”type”:”Produksjon & kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”

RAGE Thormbones er en lavfrekvent duo som arbeider i veiskillet mellom lek og problemlu00f8sing. Medlemmene Weston fra Vermont og Mattie fra Los Angeles fant hverandre i 2014, og hadde begge droppet den klassiske stien de var pu00e5 med sitt instrument; trombonen. Lydene deres smelter sammen i en rekke de- og rekonstruerte messinginstrumenter og elektroniske synthesizere, krydret med ting de finner fra jernvarehandelen, polyfonisk nynning fra omgivelsene og en overbelastet datamaskin. Resultatet er en tettpakket lyd med metallisk resonans og toner som kryper under huden, og fu00e5r rommet til u00e5 kjennes skikkelig tungt. Med dette sikter de mot u00e5 skifte brassinstrumentets rolle vekk fra vokalisk perfeksjon, og mer mot dets sanne jeg som improviserende organisk luftkompressor.

RAGE har samarbeidet med en rekke artister, inkludert Kevin Drumm, Sarah Davachi, Michelle Lou og Scott Walker. De har blu00e5st trombonene sine pu00e5 alt fra Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Darmstadt Summer Courses og ISSUE Project Room, til sjarmerende samfunnshus pu00e5 den svenske landsbygda.


RAGE Thormbones is a low-frequency duo whose work exists at the intersections of u201cfuck aroundu201d and u201cfind outu201d. Both members, Weston from Vermont and Mattie from Los Angeles, are classically trained trombonists but jumped that ship awhile ago and thankfully found each other in 2014. Their sounds bring together various de/re-constructed brass instruments and electronic synthesis + amplification, with many trips to the hardware store and the polyphonic hum of Mattieu2019s fabrication shop and Westonu2019s overworked CPU load. They produce sculpted masses of high-density sound, carving metallic resonance and subcutaneous tones to make rooms feel really heavy. They aim to shift the role of brass instruments away from vocal virtuosity and more toward their true selves as improvising organic air compressors – physically-modeled synthesis transcribed back into the acoustic domain.

RAGE has collaborated with a range of artists including Kevin Drumm, Sarah Davachi, Michelle Lou, and British pop maverick Scott Walker. Theyu2019ve tooted their trombones everywhere from Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Darmstadt Summer Courses, and ISSUE Project Room to their favorite basements/living rooms/warehouses/crypts and more recently, a charming community center deep within the Swedish countryside.

“},{“id”:97,”value”:”https://ragethormbonesyes.bandcamp.com/”},{“id”:99,”value”:”Mats O. Hansson”},{“id”:130,”value”:”https://ucarecdn.com/6aafdc0c-7caf-4cb7-af8f-d961a315d195/RAGETHORMBONES_Mats%20O%20Hansson_crescat.jpg”},{“id”:98,”value”:”

www.instagram.com/ragethormbones (@ragethormbones)


u00c5pningskveld: BIT20 Ensemble String Quartet + RAGE Thormbones + Nothing Personal
Borealis Samtale: Om ‘Rational Intonation’ med Catherine Lamb, RAGE Thormbones & Khyam Allami


Opening Night: BIT20 Ensemble String Quartet + RAGE Thormbones + Nothing Personal
Borealis Samtale: On Rational Intonation with Catherine Lamb, RAGE Thormbones & Khyam Allami

“},{“id”:125,”value”:”1″},{“id”:126,”value”:”1″}],”events”:[{“id”:13809,”name”:”u00c5pningskveld”},{“id”:13807,”name”:”Samtale: Catherine Lamb”}],”urlparam”:””}