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cp-title: Anine Fatou Bråten
Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:542,”name”:”Anine Fatou Bru00e5ten”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Anine Fatou, halvt norsk, halvt gambisk, fu00f8dt og oppvokst i Oslo, er skribent, taler, feminist og antirasistisk aktivist. Anine startet fu00f8rst sin utdanning i psykologi, med en plan om u00e5 hjelpe, forske og gju00f8re systematiske endringer. Men hennes lidenskap i kampen for rettferdighet, likestilling og frigju00f8ring fu00f8rte til at hun endret retning til juss. Mu00e5let hennes er u00e5 bli en internasjonal menneskerettighetsadvokat med fokus pu00e5 kvinner og etniske minoriteter. Anine har vu00e6rt leder av Women’s March-bevegelsen i Bergen siden starten i 2017, og hun leder The Female Minority Voices Book Club. I tillegg er hun skoleprogramvert for Bergen internasjonale filmfestival (BIFF).
Anine Fatou, half Norwegian, half Gambian, is a writer, speaker, feminist and antiracist activist born and raised in Oslo. Anine started her educational journey with studies in Psychology with a plan to help, research and create systematic change. Her burning instinct to fight for equality, justice and freedom on a larger scale led her to take a turn and tranfer to Law. Anine’s goal is to become an international human rights lawyer, especially focusing on women and ethnic minorities. Anine has been leading the Women’s March movement in Bergen since the start-up in 2017, and of The Female Minority Voices Book Club. She is also the educational programme host at Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF).
Marshall Trammell u2013 The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy
Marshall Trammell u2013 The Moon Is Down: The Status Quo Is My Enemy