cp-title: Oscar Escalante

Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:263,”name”:”Oscar Escalante”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”

Oscar Escalante er billedkunstner, instrumentbygger og charangospiller fu00f8dt i byen Durango i Mexico. Som en mystisk vandrer er Oscar i kontakt med en stor skaperkraft som tar mange former, gjennom billedkunst, installasjoner og nye oppfinnsomme instrumenter. Oscar kommer fra en kunstnerfamilie. Han far var opprinnelig Cora, en urfolksnasjon tilhu00f8rende i Durango. Han var skredder, poet og musiker som overlot denne arven til flere av barna sine. Oscar begynte tidlig med visuell kunst, og lidenskapene lu00e5 i maleri, tegning, gravering, skulptur og musikk, su00e5 vel som instrumentbygging. Til tross for at han ikke har en formell akademisk bakgrunn, lu00e6rte Oscar seg forskjellige hu00e5ndtverk fra sin far, og fra de utallige reisene han har gjort. Han har bodd i San Francisco og Barcelona, og er for tiden bosatt i Guanajuato i Mexico. Arbeidene hans har blitt stilt ut bu00e5de i Europa og USA. Oscar er far til musikeren Martu00edn Escalante og filmregissu00f8r Amat Escalante. Han dukket opp som skuespiller i Amat sin film The Wild Region som ble tildelt su00f8lvlu00f8ven pu00e5 Venezia International Film Festival i september 2016. 74 u00e5r gammel utvikler og utforsker han stadig teknikken sin.


Oscar Escalante is a visual artist, instrument builder and charango player born in the city of Durango in Mexico. Like a mystic wanderer Oscar is in touch with a great creative power that takes many forms, through visual art, installations and new inventive instruments. Oscar comes from a family of artists, his father of origin Cora, an indigenous town of Durango, was a tailor, poet and musician leaving this legacy to several of his children. Oscar set out on visual art from an early age, his passions being as diverse as painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture and music as well as the creation of his own instruments. Despite not having had a formal academic background, Oscar learned various trades from his father and from the countless trips he has made. He has lived in San Francisco and Barcelona and currently resides in Guanajuato in Mexico. His work has been exhibited in both Europe and the US. Oscar is father of musician Martu00edn Escalante and film director Amat Escalante. He appeared as an actor in Amat’s film The Wild Region which was awarded the Silver Lion at the Venice International Film Festival in September 2016. Aged 74 he’s still developing and exploring his technique.

“},{“id”:99,”value”:”Ashley Fell”},{“id”:130,”value”:”https://ucarecdn.com/4ba3d43e-7b75-4390-8f9a-0981010d05d9/Oscar%20Escalante%20by%20Ashley%20Fell_crescat1.jpg”},{“id”:183,”value”:”

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Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013 Resonant Silence

“},{“id”:125,”value”:”1″},{“id”:126,”value”:”1″}],”events”:[{“id”:13816,”name”:”Guro Skumsnes Moe u2013u00a0Resonant Silence”}],”urlparam”:””}