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cp-title: Mirsaeed Hosseiny Panah
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{“id”:409,”name”:”Mirsaeed Hosseiny Panah”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Mirsaeed Hosseiny Panah er komponist og musiker fra Iran, med santur som sitt hovedinstrument u2013 et trapesformet strengeinstrument som spilles pu00e5 med smu00e5 hammere. Hans nysgjerrighet ovenfor ulike sjangre fu00f8rte til at han studerte bu00e5de klassisk og jazz, i tillegg til opphavet til den klassiske iranske musikken. Disse ulike innfallsvinklene har fu00e5tt Mirsaeed til u00e5 konkludere med at til tross for sjangrenes kontraster, er det et musikalsk spru00e5k som kan forene alle de tre grenene. Han ble uteksaminert fra Universitetet i Teheran i 2013, og gikk nylig ut av Norges musikkhu00f8gskole med sin andre mastergrad. I tillegg til u00e5 bli invitert som soloist med ulike orkestre og band, har Mirsaeed ogsu00e5 skrevet flere bestillingsverk som komponist og arrangu00f8r. Mirsaeed deltar i Borealis Ung Komponist 2021/22.
Mirsaeed Hosseiny Panah is an Iranian composer and musician with Santoor as his main instrument u2013 a trapezoid shaped string instrument played on with small hammers. His curiosity toward different genres of music motivated him to study classical and jazz music in addition to the heritage of Iranian classical music. His background gave him the conclusion that despite the contrast between these musical fields, there is still a musical language out there that stands as a combination of all three. In 2013 he graduated from Tehran University, and recently he graduated with his second masteru2019s degree from the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH). In addition to being invited as a soloist with different orchestras/bands, he has been given several commissions as a composer and arranger. Mirsaeed is one of the participants in Borealis Ung Komponist 2021/22.
“},{“id”:99,”value”:”Thor Bru00f8dreskift / Borealis”},{“id”:130,”value”:””},{“id”:128,”value”:””},{“id”:98,”value”:”