cp-title: Microtub

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Microtub er verdens fu00f8rste mikrotonale tubatrio. Ensemblet kom sammen i 2010 og bestu00e5r av Robin Hayward, Peder Simonsen og Martin Taxt. Kjernen i ensemblets virke er en interesse for tid, rom og frekvenser. Musikken kan beskrives som ettertenksom, omsluttende og meditativ, med flere dimensjoner av lyd u00e5 oppdage for den interesserte lytter. De mikrotonale tubaene ensemblet spiller pu00e5 er utviklet av Robin Hayward i samarbeid med den anerkjente instrumentmakeren B&S. Med disse tubaene utforsker Microtub mulighetene som finnes med det mikrotonale stemmesystemet kjent som ‘Just Intonation’.

Microtub har utgitt fem album og fremfu00f8rt musikken sin ved festivaler som Sonic Acts i Amsterdam, Ultima i Oslo, Festival Densites i Frankrike og FIMAV i Canada.


Microtub is the world’s first microtonal tuba ensemble. The trio was formed in 2010 and consist of Robin Hayward, Peder Simonsen and Martin Taxt. At the heart of their practice is an interest in time, space and frequencies. The music can be described as pensive, surrounding and meditative, with multiple dimensions of sound for the attentive listener to discover. They play on microtonal tubas developed by one of the members, Robin Hayward, in collaboration with the German instrument manufacturer B&S, through which they explore the possibilities that lie in the microtonal tuning system known as Just Intonation.

Microtub has released five albums, and has presented their music at festivals such as Sonic Acts in Amsterdam, Ultima in Oslo, Festival Densites in France and FIMAV in Canada.

“},{“id”:97,”value”:”https://robinhayward.com/eng/ensembles/microtub.php”},{“id”:99,”value”:”Andru00e9 Lu00f8yning”},{“id”:130,”value”:”https://ucarecdn.com/d14d8099-f0e0-497f-8b0d-1b3493b6b505/Mictotub%20by%20Andr%C3%A9%20L%C3%B8yning%20_crescat.jpg”},{“id”:98,”value”:”

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/microtub_trio/


Robin Hayward: microtonal F tuba

Peder Simonsen: microtonal C tuba

Martin Taxt: microtonal C tuba


Catherine Lamb u2013 inter-spatia


Catherine Lamb u2013 inter-spatia
