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cp-title: Ensemble neoN
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{“id”:278,”name”:”Ensemble neoN”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Ensemble neoN er en norsk samtidsmusikkgruppe som arbeider pu00e5 tvers av kunstneriske former, og samarbeider med billedkunstnere og utu00f8vere som Susanna, Phill Niblock, Alvin Lucier, Johannes Kreidler, Oren Ambarchi, Marina Rosenfeld og Jan St. Werner. neoN streber etter u00e5 lytte til en verden som er i stadig endring. Det er denne holdningen som stadig utfordrer og utvider ensemblets musikalske spru00e5k. De siste u00e5rene har Ensemble neoN markert seg bu00e5de nasjonalt og internasjonalt ved u00e5 opptre pu00e5 festivaler som MATA, Ultima, Molde Jazzfestival, klub katarakt og Only Connect. neoN sine utgivelser inkluderer ENSEMBLE NEON: Niblock/Lamb gitt ut pu00e5 Hubro, Choosing to Sing gitt ut pu00e5 SOFA, samt debutalbumet neoN pu00e5 HUBRO og The Forester med Susanna Wallumru00f8d pu00e5 SONATACD, som begge ble tildelt Spellemannpris.
Ensemble neoN is a Norwegian contemporary music group working across artistic forms, collaborating with visual artists and performers such as Susanna, Phill Niblock, Alvin Lucier, Johannes Kreidler, Oren Ambarchi, Marina Rosenfeld, Jan St. Werner. neoN strives to listen to a world that is constantly changing. It is this attitude that keeps challenging and expanding the ensembleu2019s musical language. The last years Ensemble neoN has made a mark both nationally and internationally by performing at festivals like MATA, Ultima, Molde Jazzfestival, klub katarakt and Only Connect. neoN’s releases include ENSEMBLE NEON: Niblock/Lamb (Hubro), Choosing to Sing (SOFA), as well as the debut album “neoN” on HUBRO and ‘The Forester’ with Susanna Wallumru00f8d on SONATACD, both of which were awarded a Norwegian Grammy.
“},{“id”:97,”value”:””},{“id”:99,”value”:”Anna Julia Granberg”},{“id”:130,”value”:””},{“id”:98,”value”:”
Ensemble neoN/FEN/Lasse Marhaug u2013 Fractured Times. A Reunion of Strangers.
Ensemble neoN/FEN/Lasse Marhaug u2013 Fractured Times. A Reunion of Strangers.