cp-title: Dora Poni J. Loro

Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:541,”name”:”Dora Poni J. Loro”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”

Dora Poni J. Loro er utdannet sosionom, og arbeider som barnevernskurator i barneverntjenesten for enslige mindreu00e5rige flyktninger. Hun har mastergrad i barnevern, og videreutdanning i traumebevisst omsorg, barnevernsarbeid etter avdekking av vold og overgrep, og samtaler med barn. Dora har mange u00e5rs erfaring innen flerkulturelt arbeid, selvhjelpsarbeid med fattigdom og sosial ekskludering i Norge, samt erfaring innen prosjekt-koordinering, ledelse, og veiledning. Hun er sertifisert ressursperson i forebyggende arbeid mot helseskadelige praksiser som kju00f8nnslemlestelse, u00e6resrelatert vold og tvangsekteskap, og er kurset i Transformational Leadership for Sustainability. Dora er tobarnsmor og engasjerer seg sterkt som aktivist innen Empowerment-arbeid med kvinner og ungdom, og temaer relatert til migrasjon, sosial inkludering og samfunnsdeltakelse. Dora stu00e5r stu00f8tt med kju00e6rlighet, verdighet og styrke, og utnytter sitt fulle potensiale for seg selv, og andre.


Dora Poni J. Loro is a social worker with a Masteru2019s Degree in Child Welfare, and further studies in Trauma-Informed Care, disclosure of sexual abuse in children and young people, and conversation with children. She currently works in the Child Welfare Services for unaccompanied refugee minors in Bergen Municipality. She has many years experience in working in areas of multiculturalism, self-help, poverty and social exclusion in Norway and in coordinating and leading projects as well as councelling. Dora is a mother of two and a passionate social activist who engages herself in issues concerning empowerment of youth and women, cross-cultural parenting, migration challenges, and active participation and representation of minorities in Norwegian society. Dora stands firm in love, dignity, empowerment and full potential for herself and others.


Dora Poni Loro is a social worker with a masteru2019s degree in child welfare, and further studies in Trauma-Informed Care, disclosure of sexual abuse in children and young people and conversation wit children. She currently works in the Child Welfare Services for unaccompanied refugee minors in Bergen Municipality.

 Dora is a mother of two and a passionate social activist who engages herself in issues concerning youth and women empowerment, cross-cultural parenting, migration challenges, and active participation and representation of minorities in Norwegian society. Dora stands firm in love, dignity, empowerment and full potential for herself and others. 


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