Now Casting: Pritika Swarup


Pritika Swarup is making a name for herself. Discovered by her manager while on a trip to Disney World, the young model, student, and philanthropist has quickly become a favorite among beauty brands including Mac Cosmetics and Clinique. With just under half a million Instagram followers and a near-completed degree in financial economics from Columbia University guiding her, this native Virginian-turned-New Yorker dishes to CR about her work so far in the modeling industry, her dedication to pursuing her education, and what she’s loves most about being in New York.

How did you get started in your career?
“I’m from a family of doctors, so I just always thought I would be a doctor too. After I started modeling, I finished high school and moved to New York. I took a few years off to figure out what I wanted to do before I went back to school, and now I love that I get to pursue all of it at the same time.”

What’s something we wouldn’t know about you?
“I’m incredibly passionate about finance, wealth management, and investment banking. People don’t really expect that. It’s so interesting. At first, people didn’t really take me seriously. Modeling and finance don’t exactly go together, so I decided to start an investment fund on campus. It’s called Praetorian Management, and it’s definitely been a game-changer for my career. Now that it’s the largest fund on campus, people don’t see me as just a model. They know I’m serious, and it’s really let me explore the industry.”

What’s something you’re proud of?
“I’m an ambassador for Operation Smile. It’s a nonprofit that works to raise awareness and sponsor proper care for children born with cleft palettes. I do a lot of work in India, where I have a bit more outreach, and I get to see the work the organization does which is just incredible. What they’re able to do is life-changing, and it’s so fulfilling to be able to be a part of it. I’m a crier and I always cry when I see how impactful the organization is on these children. Operation Smile’s work is so important, and I love being able to work with them and give back. I need balance in my life and I have to help others. This lets me do just that. I get to speak at conferences and bring the organization to the attention of an audience thats slightly older than who they typically interact with. It’s been amazing.”

If you had to choose between fashion and finance now, which would you pick?
“People always ask me that, and I can’t choose just one. I love both, and I love that I get to bring a different perspective into both sides of my life. It’s important to be involved in different things and really understand who you are so you can be unique. Bringing a fresh perspective to your industry can sometimes make all the difference, and it can really make you stand out.”


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createdAt:Tue, 15 Jan 2019 20:30:56 +0000
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