Deprecated: doJCITwig::twig_ext_get_headers(): Implicitly marking parameter $context as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 507

Deprecated: {closure:doJCITwig::addTwigExtensions():1673}(): Implicitly marking parameter $context as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 1673

Deprecated: JCITwig\Loader\FilesystemLoader::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $rootPath as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 37

Deprecated: JCITwig\Environment::getTemplateClass(): Implicitly marking parameter $index as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 262

Deprecated: JCITwig\Environment::loadTemplate(): Implicitly marking parameter $index as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 330

Deprecated: JCITwig\Environment::createTemplate(): Implicitly marking parameter $name as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 386

Deprecated: jci_twig_template_from_string(): Implicitly marking parameter $name as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 38

Deprecated: JCITwig\NodeVisitor\SafeAnalysisNodeVisitor::intersectSafe(): Implicitly marking parameter $a as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 139

Deprecated: JCITwig\NodeVisitor\SafeAnalysisNodeVisitor::intersectSafe(): Implicitly marking parameter $b as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 139

Deprecated: JCITwig\TokenStream::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $source as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 28

Deprecated: JCITwig\TokenStream::expect(): Implicitly marking parameter $message as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 71

Deprecated: JCITwig\Parser::addImportedSymbol(): Implicitly marking parameter $name as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 250

Deprecated: JCITwig\Parser::addImportedSymbol(): Implicitly marking parameter $node as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 250

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\Node::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $tag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 39

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\Expression\ArrayExpression::addElement(): Implicitly marking parameter $key as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 58

Deprecated: JCITwig\Template::displayBlock(): Implicitly marking parameter $templateContext as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 151

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\Expression\FilterExpression::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $tag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 20

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\SetNode::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $tag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 24

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\PrintNode::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $tag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 25

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\ForNode::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $tag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 28

Deprecated: JCITwig\Node\ForLoopNode::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $tag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /www/htdocs/w01dd2db/ on line 23
zwiftracing –


lll 1. Rory Barrett (SDW ABISPA) 34 Min, 46 Sec, 720 ms
2. Anders Olsson [eSRT] 34 Min, 51 Sec, 590 ms
3. Luc Guilbeault [5.W.4.T] 34 Min, 54 Sec, 345 ms
4. Martin Wenhov [SZ] 35 Min, 4 Sec, 55 ms
5. Thierry Bessede 35 Min, 5 Sec, 513 ms
6. Andrew Carter 35 Min, 28 Sec, 284 ms
7. Lasse Løgstrup [DBR] 35 Min, 36 Sec, 241 ms
8. Big Lion Bry (Herd) 35 Min, 56 Sec, 234 ms
9. Wils Cardan 35 Min, 56 Sec, 308 ms
10. Adam Thoumine (ZSUNR) 36 Min, 26 Sec, 543 ms
11. Matt Horning 36 Min, 57 Sec, 816 ms
12. Melissa77 37 Min, 1 Sec, 102 ms
13. ergou mic 37 Min, 2 Sec, 152 ms
14. Joseph Thom 37 Min, 5 Sec, 254 ms
15. Caspar Zoeftig [GLPT] 45 Min, 1 Sec, 367 ms
16. Tom Terz 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms

1. J Andersson 37 Min, 11 Sec, 215 ms
2. Charles Ekstrom 37 Min, 11 Sec, 483 ms
3. gaetan olejnik ⚡(FOUDRE) 37 Min, 11 Sec, 742 ms
4. Pike Reardon (OTR) RR 37 Min, 11 Sec, 767 ms
5. Karl Tiselius [SZ] 37 Min, 14 Sec, 434 ms
6. Sean Rando 37 Min, 14 Sec, 688 ms
7. Michael Nieporent 37 Min, 29 Sec, 964 ms
8. Arctic Zwifter (YT) [Kaboom] 37 Min, 37 Sec, 591 ms
9. David Haller 37 Min, 43 Sec, 892 ms
10. Heather Lincoln (SYNERGY) 37 Min, 53 Sec, 884 ms
11. Kenichi TAKAHASHI 37 Min, 58 Sec, 324 ms
12. Gary Farmer 38 Min, 27 Sec, 883 ms
13. Tyler Sperry 38 Min, 49 Sec, 404 ms
14. Iain Williamson 38 Min, 49 Sec, 568 ms
15. Jac Levesque (Rhino) 38 Min, 50 Sec, 11 ms
16. François Lansival 39 Min, 33 Sec, 308 ms
17. Chris Dutton 39 Min, 40 Sec, 786 ms
18. Andy Buclaw 39 Min, 41 Sec, 164 ms
19. Rhum Coco (Bikes-fr) 39 Min, 41 Sec, 699 ms
20. Lauren Bartsch 39 Min, 42 Sec, 159 ms
21. GPC M 39 Min, 42 Sec, 328 ms
22. Mark Davies [SYN] 39 Min, 43 Sec, 151 ms
23. Daniel Fahie 39 Min, 49 Sec, 624 ms
24. SEUNG KI SONG 40 Min, 5 Sec, 480 ms
25. Yohei Eguchi 40 Min, 40 Sec, 741 ms
26. Samuel Wirawibawa [ZIRT] 41 Min, 3 Sec, 315 ms
27. Lars Guldmann 41 Min, 5 Sec, 238 ms
28. Travis Sheffield 41 Min, 5 Sec, 914 ms
29. Christian Theune 41 Min, 40 Sec, 410 ms
30. Richard King (Redhill CC) 41 Min, 40 Sec, 855 ms
31. Van Tankard (TPC) 41 Min, 43 Sec, 761 ms
32. Martin Muehl 41 Min, 48 Sec, 499 ms
33. Gunaman Ivan 42 Min, 18 Sec, 743 ms
34. Chuck Pietro 42 Min, 29 Sec, 750 ms
35. Ian Kidd 42 Min, 53 Sec, 788 ms
36. tomo kaho 43 Min, 10 Sec, 692 ms
37. Jens S. 49 Min, 2 Sec, 315 ms
38. Brian Kellison [PenVelo] [NCNCA] 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
39. Lee Rylands 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
40. Conan McIntyre 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
41. Ben Church 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms

1. Michael Svendsen 39 Min, 32 Sec, 545 ms
2. Tim Martin (ART) 39 Min, 33 Sec, 20 ms
3. Paul Chiao 39 Min, 38 Sec, 22 ms
4. k kunikatsu(GSJ) 39 Min, 38 Sec, 115 ms
5. Francis Landman 39 Min, 38 Sec, 317 ms
6. Daniel Otchere *USMES* 39 Min, 46 Sec, 535 ms
7. James Krueger [ECHOLAC] 40 Min, 3 Sec, 367 ms
8. Francois Couillard 40 Min, 4 Sec, 159 ms
9. Taek Kyu Kim 40 Min, 4 Sec, 654 ms
10. David Powis 40 Min, 11 Sec, 495 ms
11. Jeremy P 40 Min, 25 Sec, 767 ms
12. N orm Wong (BMTR Cubs) 40 Min, 34 Sec, 595 ms
13. Ricardo Louro Franco 2067 40 Min, 36 Sec, 376 ms
14. Rasmus Mollerup [DBR] 41 Min, 8 Sec, 525 ms
15. Jérôme Rannou The Race 41 Min, 11 Sec, 915 ms
16. Emmanuel Grenard 41 Min, 13 Sec, 108 ms
17. Lalit Verma 41 Min, 15 Sec, 394 ms
18. Colin Shields 41 Min, 23 Sec, 622 ms
19. Nick Moorfoot 41 Min, 48 Sec, 498 ms
20. Ryan Maas 41 Min, 51 Sec, 502 ms
21. Mark Grasley (OTR) 41 Min, 52 Sec, 98 ms
22. Jacob Blæsbjerg 42 Min, 14 Sec, 977 ms
23. Vince Liger 9197 42 Min, 16 Sec, 741 ms
24. R Surkyn 42 Min, 24 Sec, 370 ms
25. David Wilson 42 Min, 25 Sec, 85 ms
26. David Holland 43 Min, 17 Sec, 440 ms
27. Jim Nelson 9806 43 Min, 28 Sec, 265 ms
28. Anders Olesen 43 Min, 36 Sec, 926 ms
29. Ankhbayar Gurdorj 44 Min, 9 Sec, 494 ms
30. Roy Lewis Celtic Tri WGT 44 Min, 13 Sec, 156 ms
31. Steve Hatzenbeler 44 Min, 28 Sec, 525 ms
32. Mark Fawbert 44 Min, 34 Sec, 326 ms
33. Jim Long 44 Min, 43 Sec, 579 ms
34. YoungKwun Ko 44 Min, 53 Sec, 422 ms
35. andreas kosse 44 Min, 54 Sec, 868 ms
36. Brian Jensen 45 Min, 5 Sec, 88 ms
37. .. DBeau 47 Min, 13 Sec, 259 ms
38. william ondracka (KRT) B – creatures of the night 47 Min, 22 Sec, 274 ms
39. R. Schollinger4553 47 Min, 55 Sec, 992 ms
40. Janek Sepp 48 Min, 19 Sec, 843 ms
41. Eric Pingel 49 Min, 18 Sec, 817 ms
42. Nigel Main (GB Tri/Tri Surrey) 51 Min, 2 Sec, 306 ms
43. Serge lozere 53 Min, 21 Sec, 107 ms
44. Ivan Abolonyshev 54 Min, 9 Sec, 902 ms
45. B @d@$$_Cycl!st1492 59 Min, 2 Sec, 64 ms
46. www. Majesty house. Mark Daffin 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
47. | 🌴Sheckie 🌴 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
48. Billy Casiday 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
49. D Fletch 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
50. Kim Hansson 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
51. ROCCO MALAGNINO 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
52. Richard Chilvers (ART) 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
53. Jason Watson 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
54. Martin Jacob 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
55. T heLastJohnson 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
56. Cyriel Dubislav 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms

1. Will de Graaf 45 Min, 39 Sec, 427 ms
2. K Cottongim 45 Min, 45 Sec, 8 ms
3. Morten Jensen 45 Min, 56 Sec, 117 ms
4. Tyler Blauvelt 46 Min, 0 Sec, 736 ms
5. Mitsuru Otawara 46 Min, 2 Sec, 813 ms
6. Leif Skot 47 Min, 30 Sec, 116 ms
7. Simon Launder 47 Min, 31 Sec, 803 ms
8. Nathan Brown 47 Min, 48 Sec, 443 ms
9. Ant Snyman (55+) 48 Min, 16 Sec, 935 ms
10. Danny M. (53×11) 48 Min, 37 Sec, 492 ms
11. Manja Peters 48 Min, 41 Sec, 600 ms
12. J ulia 49 Min, 17 Sec, 948 ms
13. At Kita 50 Min, 42 Sec, 705 ms
14. Alex Ellermann, KoS 51 Min, 15 Sec, 507 ms
15. Jorgen Graff-Nielsen [DZR][GXY] 52 Min, 4 Sec, 12 ms
16. Steven Briggs 52 Min, 52 Sec, 308 ms
17. Tomas Emanuelsson SZR (D) 53 Min, 33 Sec, 890 ms
18. Six Pax 54 Min, 37 Sec, 115 ms
19. Ian Chazz (PACK) 54 Min, 39 Sec, 891 ms
20. . Amotz M. 58 Min, 0 Sec, 824 ms
21. Russ Turner (Oxford UK) 64 Min, 9 Sec, 29 ms
22. Becky Williams(knee replace recovery 72 Min, 32 Sec, 265 ms
23. Amy Desmond 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
24. Jason Appleton 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
25. T Ip 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms
26. PaPuinov Sriyong (DIRT)/(WRJR) 360 Min, 0 Sec, 0 ms