Your Weekly Horoscope for February 3rd



Singles may have their head in the clouds this week, and a fortunate meeting will keep them feeling light as air. On the couples’ side, your partner proves their love for you, so what more do you expect from them? At work, diplomacy should be upheld, otherwise you risk sabotaging a future win.


Not all is rosy in love this week, singles. Your friends will surround you and it will give your mood a boost, though. Those in a relationship will feel a little discomfort this week, and you’ll have to work so the gap won’t widen. Professionally, if you work at a large company, there will be some major shifts, but they will prove to be beneficial.


Use your intuition to indicate whether some nice words from a suitor may not be as genuine as they seem. For couples, a little humor will help you find a positive end to a conflict. On the professional side, there will be no complaints this week.


Remember, singles, sharing a kiss doesn’t mean a lifelong commitment. Sometimes you like to forget that and let your imagination run wild. If you have a partner, they will count on you to enlighten them on an aspect of their life that leaves them doubtful. At work, you need to follow your intuition to find quick solutions to bring your projects to fruition.


Singles will be out of character this week, freaking out about not being in a relationship. Remember that it hasn’t been a priority for you lately. For couples, you may lose hope in your partner at times, but it’s up to you to decide if they are worth sticking around for. Professionally, think about delegating otherwise you will be tired and it will affect your work negatively.


Look twice at a new meeting and avoid going for it all at once, singles. The new love interest may be interesting but probably won’t be around very long. A touch of madness may sour couples’ relationship, and you will blame your partner. In work life, a contract that was late was finally signed and the money will soon follow.


Singles want the best in love and will sacrifice everything else to find it. For couples, someone in you and your partner’s inner circle will displease you and you expect your partner to side with you. On the professional side, this is the time to present your ideas and thanks to your ease, you will be much more convincing than you think.


Although you’ve been dry in the love department lately, singles want love to be wild and indestructible. Ease into any meetings, however, as the other person may not share the same energy. Couples have a harmonious fusion, but some room to breathe may be needed to maintain this. At work, there is competition in the air, so don’t hesitate to improve your skills to progress faster than others.


Love has been stuck in a dead calm period for singles, but that shouldn’t upset you. Couples will either carry on in calmness or someone may bring up an old issue to ignite some energy, even if it is fueled by anger. A fortuitous wind blows your way at work, making it a good time to pursue your passion project.


Singles are hot as burning coals this week and looking to spark a fire. Even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have a great time. For those in a relationship, you draw your energy and confidence from being in your partner’s comforting arms. Professionally, a project that was forgotten will resurface.


Strive to make good contacts this week for friendship or love. Either way, you’ll feel fulfilled for a bit. On the couple’s side, you must stop acting like you’re at the center of the world. It tires your partner and even yourself. Time can be a precious ally at work and if you are organized you’ll be able to use it to advance a project.


Singles may have been disappointed at the end of last year, so now you know not to look for perfection. Love between those in a relationship feels strong this week, especially because some pressure from family has lessened. At work, a positive response will come, but not without some healthy advice.


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