The Story Behind Gucci’s New “Never Marry a Mitford” Sweater


If you look closely enough, Alessandro Michele’s Gucci collections are packed to the brim with historical and pop culture references. His cruise 2018 show for the house alone included elements of renaissance-era styles, and a nod to Dapper Dan. So it’s well within reason for fashion lovers to want to pick apart every detail of what Michele sends down the runway.

One item that stood out from the just-unveiled Spring 2018 collection was a sweater that read “Never Marry a Mitford.” It was a curious statement that demanded an immediate Google— and the search engine had a pretty quick explanation: the 11th Duke of Devonshire liked to create “comedy jumpers” and the phrase “Never Marry a Mitford” was one of them. Adorably (or maybe not, depending on your take), the Duke was married to the youngest Mitford sister. Furthering the fashion connection, the Duke and Mitford are supermodel Stella Tennant’s grandparents.

So why would this be on Michele’s radar? Because the jumpers are now on display in an exhibit of Chatsworth (an estate in England) called House Style: Five Centuries of Fashion at Chatsworth and Gucci is the exhibit’s sponsor. With 50 years worth of couture and fashion in the exhibit, we wouldn’t be surprised if Michele had a field day pulling together inspiration. Here’s to hoping he might also soon come out with a collection of “comedy jumpers” of his own.


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createdAt:Wed, 20 Sep 2017 16:24:38 +0000
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