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cp-title: Lasse Marhaug
Twig-syntax for showing the complete JSON-data:
{“id”:280,”name”:”Lasse Marhaug”,”type”:”Kommunikasjon”,”fields”:[{“id”:94,”value”:”
Lasse Marhaug har siden begynnelsen av 1990-tallet vu00e6rt en av de mest produktive artistene i den norske stu00f8y-/eksperimentelle musikkscenen. Som utu00f8ver og komponist har han bidratt til godt over 300 CD-, vinyl- og kassettutgivelser gjennom u00e5rene, i tillegg til omfattende turnu00e9er og opptredener live i alle verdensdeler. I tillegg til soloarbeidet sitt, har Lasse samarbeidet med mange artister innen stu00f8y, eksperimentell, improvisasjon, jazz, ekstrem metal og samtidsmusikk, samt jobbet med musikk og lyd for teater, dans, installasjoner, kino og video. Han har ogsu00e5 vu00e6rt aktiv som arrangu00f8r, promotu00f8r, produsent, fotograf, grafisk designer, billedkunstner, og i 2019 debuterte han ogsu00e5 som filmregissu00f8r. De siste u00e5rene har han begynt u00e5 komponere musikk for ensembler og solomusikere. Lasse bor for tiden pu00e5 Sortland, Nord -Norge.
Lasse Marhaug has since the early 1990s been one of the most prolific artists in the Norwegian noise/experimental music scene. As a performer and composer he has contributed to well over 300 CD, vinyl and cassette releases over the years, as well as extensive touring and performing live on all continents of the world. In addition to his solo work, Lasse has collaborated with many artists in the fields of noise, experimental, improv, jazz, extreme metal and contemporary music, as well as working with music and sound for theatre, dance, installations, cinema and video. He has also been active as an organizer, promoter, producer, photographer, graphic designer, visual artist, and in 2019 he also debuted as a film director. In recent years, he’s started composing music for ensembles and solo musicians. Lasse currently lives in Sortland, northern Norway.
Ensemble neoN/FEN/Lasse Marhaug u2013 Fractured Times. A Reunion of Strangers.
Ensemble neoN/FEN/Lasse Marhaug u2013 Fractured Times. A Reunion of Strangers.